
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I love color

I always joke with my friends that when I get to be in charge of the world, I'm taking brown off the color wheel. I'm just down with brown. Brown, and its cousin, Beige, are just so blah. And navy blue and maroon aren't far behind. There are, of course, other colors that I'm not fond of, but I understand the concept of giving people a choice.

My sister-in-law, a beautiful redhead, favors autumnal colors such as olive greens, rusts and browns. Although I love her like crazy, I find it very difficult to use these colors when I'm working on a project for her. It's funny, every time, without fail, if I'm making something with these colors, one of my friends will peer over my shoulder and go, "that's not for you." My mother-in-law loves navy blue. Last summer I bought a pack of Japanese indigo prints to make her something, but so far they're still in the quilting closet.

My favorite colors to wear are hot pink, turquoise and purple. My house is decorated in shades of blues and greens. My garden flowers are pink and purple. My pugs are tan and black, but they don't come in other colors (although their leashes are purple!). My quilt studio is decorated in hot pink and zebra print. I almost didn't buy my house because it had beige siding. Fortunately I've painted the shutters purple and that seems to help. I recently heard that you can paint vinyl siding--watch out Mike!

Anyway, I digress...the other day my friend Joannie bought me this nifty little book: . Actually she bought one for herself, and I admired it so profusely that she went back and bought one for me. It is a neat little book with a color wheel (that turns!) on the cover. It is designed to help you pick colors to paint your home, but I also thought it would be a neat way to pick colors for quilts. It is in the bargain books right now at Barnes and Noble, so you may want to treat yourself and pick one up.

Pugs and kisses,

1 comment:

  1. I am so with you in this but I do love the neutrals in my quilts as long as they are at least 10 different fabrics. I just love the variety of patterns and colors--the more the better!
