
Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Fun Friday at the Cape Cod Quilt Show

Yesterday, Marion*, Joannie, and I took the day off and we went to the Cape Cod Quilt Show in Harwich The show is still running today until 3:30pm, so if you live nearby you can stop reading my blog and head over there.

Marion and I try to go to this show every year. First, it is on the Cape in the summer, which is a wonderful time of year. If we're lucky, we get to borrow her daughter's house in Hyannis and we can sleep over. Second, it's a guild show, so while there are always some "wow" quilts that we'd never be able to make in a million years, even if they locked us in a room with the fabric and the directions, there are also a lot of wonderful quilts to look at that we know we can make. This year's theme is Red and White quilts, but I didn't take any pictures of them, even though they were all quite lovely.

*Marion is retired and has every day off.

Here are some of my favorites. My taste runs more to modern with lots of bright colors.

I love the wonky circles!

Mitered Stripes!

Fabulous Dresden Plate with Kaffe Fasset fabrics

Reminds me of a sunset.

Here are four quilts made from the same pattern but in different colorways. Isn't it fun to see how different they look? Which one is your favorite? I'm partial to the one with the red background.
I think the red background is exuberant!

The blue background really sparkles!

The black gives it an Amish feel.

Looks completely different with a white

Here are some quilts showcasing some of my favorite patterns and techniques.

This was a lovely Stack n Whack. I've made
a couple of these.

A lovely Jewel Box. On my quilting bucket list!
I've even got a kit hanging around from Quilted or Not.

Joan S. made one of these. It's a great way
to use up your scraps.

I've seen this pattern made up before in
baby prints, but really like the Aborigine prints.

I've got a really old Boston Commons quilt in
progress in my quilting closet (somewhere)...

I LOVE Bargello quilts. This one was a beauty!

And here are a few more photos.

I love this jacket. Unfortunately no
pattern was listed.

I love the colors in this Strips 'n Curves quilt.

An easy quilt, but a great way to
showcase a favorite fabric!

The colors in this quilt are so bright and happy!

Of course, there were also a lot of great vendors at the show. We saw our friend Kate Mitchell and her husband David. Kate Mitchell and Karen Pratt own Berkshire Quilts They are vending at the show. They have great patterns, sewing notions, awesome dragonfly spinners for your garden and they hold quilting retreats! Check them out!

Honestly, I tried to be good, but how could I not buy the fabric kit to make this amazing Spiral Burst Bargello Although, if I saw the pattern without the sample, I would have passed it by. Because I'm down with brown...

A few more beauties to feast your eyes...

Love the colors!

Check out the fish! All threadwork.

Contemporary and fabulous!
Little tiny Tumbling Blocks!

All hand-pieced!
A close-up!
A wonderful Pineapple quilt!
The show is not air-conditioned, so I urge you to go early if the day is going to be hot. It is semi air-conditioned in part of the vendor hallways. There are large fans inside the room where the quilts are displayed.

After we left the show we had lunch at our favorite Chinese restaurant in Hyannis, then we went over to Heartbeat Quilts and Tumbleweed Quilts

Sadly, Heartbeat Quilts is closing. Right now all fabric (except Helen's exclusive designs) are 30% off (1 yard minimum) or 40% off (2 yard minimum). Books, notions and thread are also on sale. I bought some lovely purple fabric for the back of Anna's wedding quilt (top still in progress).

If you go to the show, be sure and save your program. Tumbleweeds had a discount coupon on the inside back page. There is also a coupon for Heart n Hands Quilt Shop in Weymouth Marion and I bought some new Kaffe fabrics (they have a HUGE selection) and Joannie found some bargains in the back room.

I love this sample quilt at Tumbleweeds! All batik!

Every time I see this quilt, I swear I'm going to make it.

At the end of a long day of quilting fun!

In closing, I leave you with this funny little off-kilter quilt.

Pugs and kisses,

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