
Friday, August 24, 2012

A House Full of Quilts

Last weekend, Mike and I went to the Cape (Cape Cod for any non-locals) to spend the weekend with Marion and Merwyn. Marion's daughter has a lovely home right on the ocean and Marion gets to use it when Susan and her family are away. Thanks Susan!

We would have like to have gone with them for the whole week, but Mike and I are both running out of vacation time since we took two and a half weeks of vacation for our wedding.

It was a rainy Saturday. Marion and I decided that we would wait until Sunday to visit the craft fair. We set up our machines in the kitchen/dining area.
We could watch the sailboats while we were sewing.

Best of all, we had an iron WITHOUT an automatic shutoff--a quilter's dream!

Merwyn kept busy on his laptop while Mike played his guitar.
Marion, like most quilters, gives away most of her quilts as gifts. Her daughter is one of the fortunate recipients. Almost every bed in the Cape house had a quilt on it. I decided to give you all a little show! Like most summer homes, the bedrooms are small (to encourage you to spend more time on the beach), so I did the best I could when taking the photos. Sometimes I just couldn't back up far enough to get the whole quilt in the picture.

This cheery flip flop quilt greets you in the hallway.

We call this quilt Texas Triangles because when my friend Beth visited from Texas, we hosted a scrap swap. This was a long time ago, at least 13 years ago, because I hosted it in my old apartment before I bought my house. I believe that Kim also has a finished Texas Triangles. I gave up! Too many pieces!

This was a Trudy Hughes Mystery pattern that we did in our Brown Baggers group several years ago. I made mine in pinks and purples. I am proud to report that mine is also completed!

You may notice a theme here, Marion is quite fond of star quilts!

This quilt is gorgeous and intricate. There was a great deal of work put into this one. Marion bought the kit at the Button Box several years ago.

This quilt is one of Marion's first quilts! It is a sampler quilt, all hand-pieced and hand-quilted. A real treasure!

This star quilt, which is also hand-quilted, is used by Marion's granddaughter Jessie. Guaranteed to produce sweet dreams!
Here is Marion, the talented quilt maker!
 Applause! Applause!

Have a great weekend!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. I love that texas triangles quilt! I can't believe someone had the patience to do that!

  2. About 8 of us cut it out, but I think only 2 out of the 8 finished it. It has a zillion pieces.

  3. What a fabulous weekend to have. Love the quilt show and tell.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs
