
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rip it! Rip it!

It's a good thing that I don't have a live QuiltCam in my studio like my quilting idol Bonnie Hunter Otherwise, you might have learned a few new choice words last night! I am working on a quilt for my dear friend and coworker, Anna, who got married in May. When it is finished it will be just lovely--a symphony of blue and purple batiks radiating out from the center of the quilt. Purple is Anna's favorite color and we chose the fabrics together.
Anna's wedding quilt in progress.
It is set in diagonal rows and last night my plan was to try and get at least half of it sewn together. It is going to be a rather large quilt and it has A LOT of pieces. Unfortunately when I went to sew it together last night I discovered that I had managed to add two extra blocks to three rows, so I had to do some quilt surgery with the seam ripper. But at least I had Joannie to keep me company, so I proceeded to take the offending rows apart. And of course I had sewn them together with little teeny stitches.

It was just one of those weird nights when the sewing fairy is not on your side. Joannie and I had already spent a good half an hour proofreading a pattern for mistakes. She had made it before and we knew that there was an error in the directions, it just took us a while to find it. I plan to use the pattern, the one from Joannie's trailer quilt, seen here in an earlier blog,, to make a Star Wars quilt for my nephew Ben. Then I discovered that Joannie's sister had managed to replace the blade in her rotary cutter with the guard in FRONT of the blade which would have probably resulted in Joannie cutting her fingers off if she used it more than once or twice.

We both emerged from our experiences unscathed. Guess I was feeling a little smug that I had actually finished two projects this past weekend and I had to be taken down a notch.

Pugs and kisses,

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