
Monday, October 15, 2012

Saturday at the Lexington Quilt Show

On Saturday, Joannie, Marion, and I headed out to Lexington for the annual Quilter's Connection Guild Quilt Show. In addition to the quilt show, they also had a bake sale and vendors, what more could a girl ask for? I supported the guild by buying some yummy pumpkin chocolate chip cookies (sounds kind of yucky, but they were very good!) and some chocolate mint cookies. I wish they came with the recipes!
This was supposed to be a photo of the three of us, but the girl walking by who took it for me needs to keep her day job.  Joannie's photo of Marion and me was much better.
Checking out the show.
We always enjoy seeing a local guild show because we come away feeling very stimulated, but not overwhelmed. There were lots of great quilts and garments to see. I found a quilt that I really want to make called African Coins, a derivative of the pattern Chinese Coins. I looked it up on my iPhone at lunch and found it was a free pattern on HGTV's website. I thought it was striking. Here's a photo:
I took about 50 photos, but that would make for a very LONG blog post. Here are a couple of our favorites.

Marion wore her beautiful quilted sweatshirt jacket to the show. It was a head-turner! She got a lot of compliments! This black and white beauty got added to both mine and Marion's future "to do" list.

Joannie is standing between two of my favorites-- a very cute Halloween quilt and a fun floral quilt.
This is a close-up from a baby quilt that was completely hand appliqued and hand quilted. The little animals had the happiest faces! It just made us smile!

I love the great colors in this quilt!
I also found a new vendor at the show that I really liked. The shop is called Sew Fresh Fabrics It's an online Etsy shop based out of Ipswich, MA, and she said that you could come up and visit if you made an appointment. She carries a full line of modern fabric, including a lot of Japanese imports. I bought two pieces of fabric that may become a jacket someday.
This is Peg, the owner of Sew Fresh Fabrics.
After the quilt show, we had Thai food for lunch. Here's what my fortune cookie had to say:
So naturally we went to Fabric Corner in Arlington to make our wishes come true! Fabric Corner is one of my favorite shops. They have a huge collection of batik and Kaffe Fassett--two of my favorite fabric types. If you sign up for their mailing list you get a 40% coupon each month. Plus, there was a ton of fabric already on sale for 40% off. Each of us bought some batik for our 2013 birthday block swap backgrounds: magenta for me, blue for Joannie and turquoise for Marion. Joannie also got some gorgeous fabric (also on sale, yeah!) that she is going to make into curtains for her bedroom and living room. If there is a little piece left, I get to have it for a vest (fingers crossed).

I have to admit that aside from sewing a couple of seams on Anna's quilt on Friday night, it was more of a fabric acquisition weekend, then a quilting action weekend. But I hope to make up for that this weekend, since the girls and I will be sewing away Friday--Sunday at our annual October quilting weekend. Tonight I cut out five bindings for some quilts that have been quilted for almost a year and just need binding to be finished.

Pugs and kisses,

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