
Friday, November 16, 2012

Inside Santa's workshop

It's that time of year again! Time to make gifts for the holidays. I am trying not to stress myself out and just make some small things. Most of my shopping is actually done and I may start to wrap presents on Thanksgiving weekend.

Last night I got together with my Thursday night quilting friends. Although we meet at a hotel that is about 1/2 mile from my office, I'm usually the last one to arrive. I managed to make it there by 5:30 pm, so I was quite pleased with myself.

Here's what I'm working on. If you think that these photos are deliberately obscure, you're right! Two of the mystery items below are gifts for close family and friends that I know read my blog and I don't want to ruin their surprise! I did finish all three items last night.

Earlier in the week, I put the binding on this adorable baby blanket for my little cousin Angie. It is made of super soft minkee. Elvis thought that the addition of a black pug would make the picture extra cute!

Here are three of my friends who I stitch with on Thursday night. They were all working on holiday gifts too!

This is my friend Karen (above). Karen made this adorable table runner with redwork machine embroidery in the center. She also made these delightful embroidered cocktail towels. Karen is known for never reading the pattern directions, yet somehow her projects always come out great! And she is a super fast sewer too. I need to do more machine embroidery, Karen's work inspires me.
This is my friend Toni, who we affectionately refer to as the "bag lady", because she loves to make bags! Although in this photo she is making holiday place mats for her daughter. Isn't the fabric cute? Toni is known in our group for her love of Elvis (the singer, not my black pug).
Here is Pat, who you've seen before in many of my other blog posts. Pat worked on so many projects last night that I lost track. I think there was a pillowcase, a crib skirt, a fleece blanket...anyway, she finished this beautiful yoga bag and we were joking that it looked like you could carry bows and arrows in it, so Pat is shooting an arrow in this photo.

Beth and Judi were also there last night but I didn't get a photo of their projects. Next time!

Hope all your holiday projects are going well. What are you working on?

Pugs and kisses,


  1. How fun to have a group to meet up and sew with! I've been thinking about making a yoga bag. Do you know if Pat used a pattern?

    I love your "deliberately obscure" pictures. You should have a "guess what this will turn out to be" contest. I'll guess mug rugs and aprons ;-)

    1. Hi Kat!
      Pat uses the Amy Butler Nigella Yoga Bag pattern. It is a free pattern on her website:

      Go to Products, Free Patterns, then scroll down.

      You've guessed one of my "deliberately obscure" photos, but I can't say anything more...

  2. You look to be having a lot of fun. I also am on full Christmas mode my wife and I have been making Quilts for the family this year (lap quilts) and it's been a lot of fun.
