
Friday, January 11, 2013

First Finishes of 2013

My first finish for 2013 was a set of two dog pillowcases for my good friend Cindy. Cindy is our dog walker, dog fairy godmother, and dog advisor all rolled up into one very good friend. She has worked for me since Romeo was three months old, coming by to take him for an afternoon walk while I was at the office.

Cindy's birthday is in November, and I am too impatient to wait another 10 months, so I classified these as an extra belated Christmas gift and gave them to her immediately. You can tell by her smile that she really liked them.
I really like the fabric. It is by Makower and it is really good quality. Even better is that I picked it up at Sewphisticates for $3 a yard. The fabric has Labrador retrievers of all different colors. Although Cindy is a Chihuahua owner, she loves dogs of all kinds. And yes, I've already made her Chihuahua pillowcases.

Linking up to Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Richard and Tanya Quilts.

Happy Friday!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. Cute! Pillow cases are on my list of things to make this year.

  2. Whoop! Whoop! :) How sweet for you to make these for her!

  3. Love the pillowcase we did a few of them (then my serger made me mad and I stopped) I have about 20 of them cut out that I need to finish some time soon. Thanks for linking up.

    Richard and Tanya Quilts
    Track My Shows

  4. Nancy, that is so cute, and what a wonderful gift! Whoop whoop!!

  5. Those are great! And a wonderful gift!!
