
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

What do you think about New Year's Resolutions? Are resolutions like potato chips? You just can't make one? Or, are resolutions more like advice? Mom says, "I don't give advice. Smart people don't need it, and stupid people don't take it." (My Mom has a way with words. Yes, she's a writer, too.)

I like to make resolutions, but I think of them more as guidelines rather than the ten commandments. For the last couple of years, I've had fun making quilting resolutions. My primary quilting resolution has been to concentrate on projects that were close to being finished, so that I could complete them and move on. As a professional project manager, I must finish my clients' projects or face the wrath of my boss. However, as a quilter, I experience the freedom of starting as many projects as I want...

I spent last weekend quilting with my buddies, so I queried them to find out if they made quilting resolutions's my report.

From Kim P.
My 2013 quilt resolution is to finish my three Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt WIPs (works in progress):
  1. Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll
  2. Orca Bay
  3. Easy Street
Kim is well on her way to finishing Easy Street!
From Kim G.
Reduce, reuse and recycle! Trim down my stash and my body (Hey, this would be a good one for me!)! Be able to close the lid on my fabric boxes and the top button on my jeans!

Go Kim! You have our support! Maybe we can
connect your sewing machine to your treadmill?
From Terri
Finish my Millennium Quilt that I started in 2000. It has 2,000 pieces.
Note: This is NOT the Millennium Quilt.
From Joan
To sew more than rip!
From Lori
To make a quilt for George Clooney that he'll actually accept. (I think she's kidding, but with Lori you never know...)
Sorry George, this quilt in progress is not for you. It is for Lori's niece.
From Karen
Use up my scraps to make room for more fabric!
From Debbie
Not start new projects until I finish my old projects.

From Lexine
Start making my holiday gifts earlier!

From JoAnn
Put bindings on my almost completed quilts that date back to the 1980s.
From Joannie
Finish my Bonnie Hunter Easy Street Mystery and then do a scrappy Bonnie Hunter pattern.
Is Joannie saving these scraps for her next Bonnie Hunter project?
From Pat
Stop doing projects for everyone else and do the projects I want to do for myself!
Not only does Pat make lots of things for other people,
her daughters often volunteer her to make things too!
And then there's me
My first quilting resolution is: To shop my stash first! To date, I've found a nice piece of red fabric for a quilt back and nine fat quarters for our Right Left Center game this coming weekend at the Cape. I'm going to make more pieced quilt backs like my good friend Marion.

My second quilting resolution is to try and avoid over-committing myself. Last year I completed 69 projects and gave away 58 of them. This year, I have three projects that I have to finish: my friend Anna's wedding quilt (she got married last May), a twin size quilt for my sister-in-law Diane's niece (a Bat Mitzvah gift) and a bed quilt for my new sister-in-law, Susan, who doesn't have a quilt from me yet (she picked out the pattern and I bought the fabric two years ago). Other than these three projects, I'm going to try and do more things that I want to do (like my friend Pat).
Happiness is a lap full of pugs!
From left to right: Romeo, Larry and Elvis.
What's your New Year's Quilting Resolution?

Check back in December and we'll see how all the girls made out!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. Nancy, you and your pugs are cuties. Miss my quilting friends. Tell Pat I love that bag she is holding. I wonder if it is a new pattern. I see that you have some Bonnie Hunter fans in your quilting group. My quilting resolution is, of course, finish what I've started. I did just finish a purse, for myself, that I started last January.

  2. Janet, I was just asking about you. Are you doing Easy Street?
    I know you are a fan of Bonnie and of scrap quilts.

    My resolution should be the same as Kim G.
