
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Pets on Quilts Show Entry

I am pleased to announce our entry in the Pets on Quilts Show found on LilyPad Quilting's blog. The show will run from August 11th to August 17th. Voting begins on August 18th, so please return and vote for us! Use the two links above to visit the Show and to read Lily Pad's blog. I am entering in the Dogs on Quilts category.

Two of my favorite things: Quilts and Pugs! What's cuter than a pug? Two pugs of course! And what's cuter than two pugs? Well, LarryPug says three pugs of course!

My pugs are Romeo, who will be 12 in December, Elvis, who will be 11 in October and LarryPug who just turned 4 in June. The quilt shown is a Atkinson Designs' pattern called Popsicle Sticks done in batiks. This is a fast and fun quilt to make. I love scrappy quilts with lots of colors and this quilt shows off my handsome pug boys in all their pug-a-licious beauty.

From left to right, Elvis, Larry and Romeo
Elvis says the batik fabrics highlight his black fur coat just splendidly.
Larry says he thinks that he looks better. I say that they're both cute.

Elvis and Larry are ready for their close-up.
It's hard to take a bad picture of Larry. He's so cute and quite a camera-hog.
Another view of the three boys. I got very few photos of all three of them because Romeo had
more important things to do such as patrol the yard and pee on the bushes. He kept jumping off
the wicker sofa and out of my photo.

Here is my handsome husband Mike holding Romeo.
Come back and visit our blog soon. I will be doing an entry called Pets on Quilts Show Bloopers to show you what really happened during our photo shoot. I wish that I had shot video instead. Try taking photos of three pugs. They're just like wriggling toddlers.

Hope you enjoyed seeing my beautiful boys. If you visit from the Pets on Quilts Show, please leave a comment.

Pugs and kisses,


  1. What a cute group you have there :-) Fur critters still have their own minds about doing camera work. Can't wait to see the bloopers!

  2. Beautiful animals...and lovely quilt

  3. Romeo, Elvis, and Larry are super adorable. I have five pugs in my household. George and Gracie (named after the Burns comedians) are going to be 8 (did I just say 8? Boy does time fly!!) in Sept. Toby Moses is 7 (9 months younger). Lily is 4 years old. Mimi is 3 years old. They are the loves of my life...I am one lucky pug mama. I can understand the difficulty in getting group shots with pugs...even single shots are hard. :)
    Much Love,
    Mindy, Mama of The Slimmer Pugs & Purrs

  4. We LOVE Pugs and quilts! We have tons of pug friends- the SLimmer Pugs are our besties!

    Love your quilt- perfect fabrics for showing off Pugs!

  5. Very handsome boys and yes Larry doesn't appear camera shy at all.

  6. Your pugs are awesome and make for some
    great photos. The lady I work with has one
    and she says her dog is "big boned" and we
    laugh every time. The pets on quilts is so
    fun. flickr - Dusty911

  7. They are wonderful, I have nephew pugs and the personality is amazing. Thanks.

  8. What a cute trio! Good luck with the show!

  9. Oh my gosh. I love pugs. So cute!

  10. The pugs are enjoying their photo session...

  11. LOL!!!! I had the same issues my dear...except mine a poodles!! It took me an hour to get all three to sit still on a quilt. I finally managed with a slice of cheese...they were very willing to sit still then:):) Love your pugs...we lost our pug girl last year...we still miss her:):) Thanks for sharing...poodle kisses

  12. Your pugs are adorable! The look so cute on your bright and colorful quilt!

  13. How adorable! Who doesn't love a pug!? And the quilt is gorgeous:)
    Here is my entry:

  14. How lucky you are to be surrounded by all these handsome men! And how lucky they are to have you to make such beautiful quilts for them :-)


    I Always love your work Nancy & I'll be voting for you!

    Tried to leave a message on your blog earlier but Google went crazy opened about 50 times & now I'm limited to what I can do (not happy as had lots planned - didn't even know there was a limit to how many times you can open a window/tab in a day either, I'm not amused) think it was due to Windows/Microsoft doing 13 important updates at same time(?) anyway I wanted to promote your fab work & 3 cutie Pugs!

    Must catch-up [health issues again from eve of my B'day till now, not much fun & can only reach 3 rooms [bedroom which I'm camped in & the bathroom & toilet so you'll understand I hope not much news also FB kept saying they didn't recognise my location-as in laptop been using almost 3 yrs. now so haven't been able to update anyone or thank birthday wishers - feel they'll all think I'm a snob/cow or whatever w' no way of getting a message out, FB finally welcomed me back during this migraine - not good timing & yet had all the while sending me updates of how my messages/friend req's etc... were mounting up - me thinks the right hand has no idea what the left hand is up to over there @ FB]??

    I've missed our long distance notes/emails etc. very much - it's been lonely - only left house for medical app's in a wheelchair, all being well I'll get to the Zimmer frame, don't laugh, its not funny & even though finally found out prob w' right foot, had to have 'B' home to care for foot & me when became open wound, but still not yet able to wear any type of footwear in almost 2 yrs. & 16 mths since I made it out to the hairdresser, so hair long/heavy & not helping w' chronic pain/migraines :( - thou Bailey my pooch is now 16 yrs. young or in doggie yrs. 77 yrs. old [apparently - same age as my DAD, lol].

    **I'm humiliated that I had to share on Google circles to try & get this message out as they've told me all "my Buttons' &
    "Add-On's" will not work on the toolbar such as spellcheck etc... for rest of today, as I exceeded the quota - I didn't their glitch did, never seen so many windows open at one time - AMAZING w' me trying to click them closed as quickly as they appeared - like some sick game.

    Love+Hugs to Mike & Yourself & of course the handsome trio of Pugs - looks like Larry has fitted in well w' Elvis & Romeo xxx

  16. Elvis, Larry and Romeo are all so good looking and your quilt is beautiful. Looks like they should all be a centerfold in a quilt magazine.


  17. The boys look so cute and the quilt is beautiful.

  18. I love Elvis! And I need to get a photo of my hubby, too.

  19. They are so cute. DD loves pugs. Love your quilt. The batiks are so pretty and rich.

  20. Lovely quilt. You did a great job getting the three of them to stay put for a photo!

  21. Hi Nancy, Treacle popped by to see how the Boys are doing. Love the pictures and the quilts of course. Susie x

  22. I love the quilt and I can say I have first-hand knowledge of how difficult it can be to get our lovable fur-friends to sit still. Granted, I only had to get two to sit still, but I do understand your frustration. I had to keep my lab-mix focused with the ball and hope that the other one, which is really only motivated to sit on your feet and be loved, would sit still long enough for the two pictures I managed to get. Three seems impossible to me. Thank you for sharing you work and your pups.

  23. Helloooo ~ Let me introduce myself, I am Sweet William The Scot, and I am taking the tour of the quilts. I am more of a dog blogger, but I have made three quilts in my lifetime, but unlike you I have only one dog . I bet you do have bloopers trying to get three dogs to pose.
    Sweet William The Scot

  24. Adorable! Thanks for joining our party!

  25. oh I couldn't pick between them - the are gorgeous. Quilt is nice too!

  26. LOL Frances that's funny. Those are the cutest pugs and the quilt is really pretty.

  27. I love Pugs, thanks so much for sharing your gorgeous dogs and the quilt they have obviously claimed. Good luck convincing them that it is not theirs!

  28. Your guys are so cute ! I am sure they are alot of fun. My aunt used to have pugs. They are hreat dogs. I am in the contest too. Kittens #84
    Good luck
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  29. Love the colours in that quilt. Cute dogs.

  30. Very cute! The quilt is lovely too.

  31. Pugs are such fun! Your quilt is beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
