
Friday, August 2, 2013

Pug Portraits

My nephew Josh, age 14, loves photography, both stills and video. He spent a week this summer at a camp learning more about video. When he visited us last weekend, he showed us the movie that he had produced. We were pretty impressed.

He took some great photos of the pugs when he was here.

Romeo in his Happy Place, aka his crate. He uses it as his club house.

Love, love, love this photo of Elvis. It is so hard to get a good
photo of him since he is black.

He got a lot of photos of Larry, which is easy because Larry likes to have his picture taken.
I really like this one of Larry.

This one is Mike's favorite.


and more Larry!

Larry says that you can never have enough Larry!

Larry says "Thank You, Josh, for taking my
photo one million times!"
I gave Josh a box of old cameras that my Dad has passed on to me. There were instamatics, a Polaroid and a camera with a bellows. He was thrilled! Mike gave him one more, so he went home with 10 more cameras for his camera collection.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my beautiful pug boys!

Adding a link on Sunday to Sew Many Ways. If you stop for a visit, please leave a comment.

Pugs and kisses,
Nancy with Romeo, Elvis, and Larry!


  1. I love pugs...Mine is named Milo and he is fawn. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your dogs are adorable! Our Mac is a chihuahua/Pekingese mix.

  3. Larry is such a doll! I miss the sound of my late TIberius snuffling around and his nails ticking across the hardwood floors. His dormant website is
    Cheers to all your lovely pug dogs. :)

    1. Thank you everyone! I loved seeing your pugs and dogs as well.
