
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Couch Pugtatoes

Last night, Mike and I spent the evening in front of the television, having a very relaxed Friday night in-home date. I had treated him to the leftovers from my Chinese food lunch, and he made me a delicious egg white omelet with the last of our garden tomatoes. We watched 21 Jump Street, a farcical movie based on the old television show. It was silly and stupid and we thoroughly enjoyed it. A perfect movie for a stay at home evening. Originally, our plan was that I would sew some more rings for my class today and Mike would practice his guitar, but we were both tired, so we sat on the couch some more.

We never got up, and ended up watching a couple of hours of Sir Paul McCartney and Wings perform back in 1976 on VH1 Classics. McCartney's music is timeless and beautiful. He and Linda looked so young in the video. Of course, I was in sixth grade back then, so it was a long time ago, for all of us.

While listening to the concert, I amused myself by taking photos of the pugs with my iPhone. Hope you enjoy them!

If you are new to my blog, allow me to introduce you to my three darling pug boys: Romeo, age 12 (in December), Elvis, age 11, and baby LarryPug, age 4. We adopted LarryPug last year. Romeo and Elvis have lived with me since they were puppies. They are half brothers, sharing the same father.

The view from my lap. Romeo in black, LarryPug in green. Romeo surprised me by sitting in my lap the whole evening. Usually, he is not a cuddle pug, preferring to sit right next to me on the arm of the couch.

Elvis is turning silvery.

Elvis got some special cuddles from his PugDad.
Doesn't my husband have gorgeous hair?

Cuddling with Dad.

Love this photo of Elvis. It's hard to get a good photo of
him since he is all black, plus he usually turns his head
when I aim the camera. If you look closely, you can see some
quilts and Sam, the doll model for my Etsy shop in the background.
The pugs love to snuggle and they end up intertwined in all sorts of funny positions.
Here LarryPug is snuggled into the curve of Romeo's hip. Kind of looks like Siamese pugs, not
sure where one begins and the other one ends.

Such a sweet face--LarryPug

Even closer. Look at his darling eyelashes.
Have a great day! Remember to cuddle often with your loved ones!

Pugs and kisses,

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