
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Raising The Flag

You may have seen our old house flag in a previous post.
On Sunday, we hung our new flag.
I took LarryPug outside to see it.
He seemed underwhelmed.

Our beautiful dog flag is from House of Flags. This is not a paid endorsement. I have bought many flags from Sandy over the years and they are beautiful and very high quality. I have many dog loving blog friends and I thought you might want a personalized dog flag for your house.

In other exciting quilt news, I finally touched my sewing machine after about a one week hiatus. I made a fleece and minkee blanket for my cousin Angie who will turn two next month. I found this fabric in the remnant bin at Joanne Fabrics and it was perfect for my little kitty cat lover.
This blanket measures 54"x60".
It has pink minkee on the back.
I also put a binding on the Sheep Quilt. I machine embroidered the sheep blocks. Marion assembled and quilted it. Hopefully we will sell it.
This quilt has an assortment of different
tactile fabrics: minkee, flannel, and cotton.
Mike and I joined a local CSA. We purchased a Spring and a Fall share. Last weekend was our first pickup. We got: salad greens, garlic chives, bok choy, shallots and a reusable tote bag. Mike made a fabulous pizza and salad with some of our goodies.
Turkey sausage, shallots, garlic chives and mozzarella. Yum!

Freshly grown salad greens accented with roasted tomatoes and goat cheese.

Here is the handsome chef in a made by me apron.
The beard is rumored to be coming off soon for the summer.
Today, I am packing for my annual trip to the Berkshires with my Brown Bagger quilting buddies. I have decided that I hate all my current projects and have packed three new ones instead. I will be happily sewing through Saturday afternoon. We are also scheduled to take a felted wool class.

Yesterday, Joannie, Marion, and I went to the Museum of Fine Arts and saw the quilt exhibit. It was wonderful. I photographed every quilt.

I will be busy writing blog posts when I return!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. What a cute flag! I may have to get one for my parents, they have a little dog named Bouncer (a Yorkie) and with no more human kids at home, he definitely rules the roost.

    That pizza looks delicious.... you can send Mike to my house any time :-).

    Have fun on your trip, looking forward to pictures of your new projects when you get back! (And don't you hate it when you suddenly hate all your WIPs? So annoying....)

  2. Cute flag and another get away! I can understand bored with projects. Sometimes you just need something new and exciting.
