
Friday, July 4, 2014

Staycation Day 3, Studio Time with Joannie and Marion

Marion, Joannie, and I spent Wednesday in my Quilt Studio in air-conditioned comfort.
Joannie brought her vacuum over and gave the rugs a good cleaning.

We spent the morning sewing then we headed over to Walpole to have some delicious Chinese food at Asian Deli, then went to visit our friend Margaret at All About Quilts.

Joannie's reward for a morning of sewing? More fabric of course! Margaret is seen in action.

 The store had lots of beautiful new samples to admire.
I love the brightly colored houses! This pattern is Suburbs by Cluck Cluck Sew.
You can get it as a kit at All About Quilts.
Margaret created a Halloween version, which I also love!
This quilt pattern is from a recent quilting magazine.
The raffle quilt from Bayberry Quilters was visiting the shop.
You should buy a ticket! Isn't it gorgeous?
 I bought these lovely fabrics at All About Quilts.
I'm in a pink and orange batik phase. I couldn't leave the zebra print behind,
and the purple fabric screamed my name from the remnant basket.
On the way home, we decided we would also stop and visit our friend Andy who just celebrated his one year anniversary of new ownership of Ann's Fabrics. They had lots of cute kits made up and ready to take home.
Marion celebrated with a fabric cocktail!
We were good little quilters and actually returned to the Studio after lunch and shopping and sewed some more. Marion finished a baby quilt. I sewed the satin binding on for her. Joannie worked on birthday blocks. I finished the owl blanket and pillowcase for my favorite five year old, my friend Lily. I just bought the fabric last week, so I'm proud of my quick finish!
The quilt has cute little ballerinas and butterflies.
Chief Quilt Inspector LarryPug examines the final products for softness.
Here's a better shot of the blanket.
Thanks for following my staycation stories!

Linking up on Friday to Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Richard and Tanya Quilts and Crazy Mom Quilts. Thanks for visiting!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. Your visitors help clean house? Why can't I get that kind of assistance? Love the fabrics you added to your stash.

  2. What a great staycation! Love the Halloween quilt top! Gosh, it can't be time for those fabrics already? Ha, our pug always had to "supervise" any activity. She would come around and we would say the supervisor is here. Have a good 4th! Beautiful dry skies here. Hopefully Arthur will move out of your area quickly.

  3. too much fun! I like all those owls, Larrypug.
    Now I want to make a halloween house quilt too. Great idea

  4. Hi Nancy! I'm returning your visit to my blog and am sooo glad I did! You blog is adorable and your pugs add so much personality! I added myself as a GFC follwer so not to miss any posts! Next time you stop by I hope you'll follow too! Stop by TUesdays for my linky party too! Val from Nice to "meet" ya:)

  5. wow, I wish my friends cleaned when they visited. sounds like a good time was had by the pug

  6. I love the owls! Sounds like a very successful and fun day for all of you!
