
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Am I Blue?

You bet I am! And Purple too!

Remember this blog post? I finally got around to cutting out all these little lovelies! I'm bringing this project with me when I go on vacation in a few weeks.

All laid out on the cutting table
I am going to make a Queen size reversible quilt that I am keeping for me, me, me, and Mike. One side will be a Scrappy Bargello, the other side will be a Yellow Brick Road. All of these fabrics came from my Stash and it didn't make the tiniest dent. Who cares?

I cut out a bunch of strips with Joannie on Monday night and then finished the rest of my cutting last night. Mike made the most delicious egg white omelets for dinner with home grown tomatoes from our garden.
Handsome husband who cooks! Does it get any better than that?
And check out his fabulous apron!

We have six different kinds of heirloom tomatoes in our garden.
They are all different colors: red, orange and green.
Here is some more fabric porn if you can't get enough of the jewel colored batiks like me!

I'm a sucker for anything with a bow, even if it's my own fabric!
Can never get enough blue and purple!!!
All boxed up and ready to travel!
Maybe this is the best photo? It's hard to get 44 batiks in one picture!
I'm really curious to see what this quilt looks like when it's completed. As you may have noticed, my favorite color value is medium. I did throw in a couple of almost solid dark batiks and a few on the lighter side for contrast. Overall, I'm hoping that it is just a jewel colored cascade of loveliness.

There are a couple of very special fabrics in this quilt. I made my parents a pair of quilts 12 years ago for their 40th anniversary. My Mom and I picked out the fabrics together. I bought half yards instead of fat quarters, so I could keep half for a future quilt for myself. So there are a few of those fabrics in my future quilt. The only photo I have of my parents' quilt was in the blog several years ago, but it is extremely blurry. I'll take a new one when I visit them in Florida this winter.

Linking up on Friday to Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Crazy Mom Quilts and Richard and Tanya Quilts.

Thanks for visiting!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. Gorgeous colors. Can't wait to see your quilt.

  2. I swear Nancy, you make me laugh every time I read your blog! Looks like you have every quilter's dream of a husband - and cute to boot! this looks like the start of a great quilt - I can't imagine making a double sided quilt, I have all I can do to make one side!

  3. yummy those colors are awesome and the food looks good too. :)

  4. Have fun! Looking forward to the results!
