
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Cooking with Nancy

Mike and I are going to a double birthday party/New Orleans pot luck style dinner tonight hosted by our friends Mike and Christine. Mike and Mike have birthdays only 1 day apart, so we thought it called for a party. We've gone to the New Orleans Jazz Festival with M & C several times, and the last time we visited, we all took a Cajun cooking class along with our friends Deb and Greg.
So last night, Mike was slaving over a hot stove, after spending the week pouring through recipes. He made Shrimp Etouffe and Red Beans and Rice. Our house smelled like a Cajun festival. He crawled into bed at 2 a.m. while visions of Beignets danced in my head.

I made dinner to help Mike out.
Wonder why they didn't ask me to bring a dish to the party today?

For a real cooking blog, go visit my friend Daphne at Ivy, Phyllis and Me.

Pugs and kisses,