
Saturday, November 15, 2014

First Snow

We had our first snow of the year yesterday, although fortunately it was only a light dusting. When the puggies and I went to the park yesterday morning it looked like this.
I love the juxtaposition of fall colors and snow.
This darling little pugsicle is Elvis.
Here are his handsome brothers, LarryPug, in orange and Romeo, in blue.
They are wearing pet size Squall Jackets from Lands End.
The snow added a little bit of frosting to our Halloween pumpkins...
...and to our basket of festive gourds...
...and to our Japanese maple tree.
Another stunning combination of fall colors against the snow.
I was going to pose the puggies on the purple bench with the leaves, but it was quite wet with melted snow. I love the purple and the orange together. The colors remind me of this quilt that I made with Charlotte Angotti.
It was 37 degrees in Texas yesterday, and Lola the pug stayed warm underneath her favorite quilt. Can you see her little face peeking out? Lola belongs to our friend Ann in Houston. LarryPug would love to go to Houston and ask Lola to be his girlfriend. The two gorgeous quilts in the photo are made by Ann's talented Mom, Joan.

Thanks for visiting.

Pugs and kisses,


  1. cute jackets!
    One of the things I do at a guild when I lecture on creativity is an activity where I "read" an individual and discuss what drives their creative choices. I think you are driven by color. It jazzes you, and while you may start with an idea from pattern, you are excited by color. The purple, orange (including darkest browns and warm golds) and white are a dynamic triad to make a quilt. What if you started with that combination, pulled just those colors in the right amounts, and just started sewing?? Wouldn't that be exciting?? I'd like to see what came of it!
    LeeAnna, apparently being a bit bossy this morning, heh heh

  2. Great photos and I agree the leaves with the purple bench are awesome. Don't blame Larry, Lola is a babe! But all the pugs are handsome.

  3. What great colors! We had unexpected snow here in New Jersey on Friday too. Ugh.. too early - but it did look pretty! Your pug-children seem to take it in stride! They are sooo cute!!
