
Friday, August 7, 2015

Pug Funny Friday

I'm off for three days of sewing with my Brown Bagger Buddies. I must jump in the shower and get ready to go. I have lovely photos of the Cape Cod Quilt Show still to share and I'm sure I will take a photo or 100 this weekend.
My friend Mari, who blogs at The Academic Quilter, sent me this photo. Of course, my friend Dianne also posted it on my Facebook page. Too cute! I'd love to go for a ride with these three cuties.
I found this picture on FaceBook. I think it would make a great t-shirt. How can you resist that sweet face? I am so lucky to have three perfect children!

Thanks for visiting! Have a great weekend!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. Love that picture of the pugs in the car!!! Have fun with your buddies.

  2. Too Cute!!!!! Have great fun this weekend!

  3. your three are the perfect children. No need to pay for college, they are already trained and working as companions. No shoes to buy, and they don't move out! LeeAnna

  4. Cute pic! I am sure the pug boys are much easier to deal with than the grands the majority of the days.
