
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Sue's Red Quilt

Back in October, Beatrice, a blog reader commented on this post: Hello, thank you for sharing. Sounds like a great week-end! Has your friend Sue finished her Kaffe Fassett quilt shown here?

Why yes, she has, Beatrice, and it was devilishly hard to get her to give me a photo of the quilt. I still haven't actually seen the finished quilt in person. Finally, Sue's son, Sean, was pressed into service and sent me some photos.

Sue's quilt originally appeared in the blog in October 2014 as Work in Progress (WIP). At the time, Sue had recently lost the quilt pattern, which she believes was called Figgy Pudding. I've done a Google search and have not found the pattern. It appears to be a derivative of Yellow Brick Road. If anyone out there knows anything, please write to me.
The little cutie pie on the right is Sue's granddaughter Moira.
A close-up.
I love how the scattered purples really make the orange fabrics pop even more!
Nana's little helper appears to be considering the addition of a purple flower button to the border. I think it looks great Moira!
The back of Sue's Red Quilt.
Linking up to Linky Tuesday at Freemotion by the River. Thanks for visiting!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. Hello Nancy! Wow! What a surprise!
    Thank you so much for humoring me (I remember hoping you wouldn't be offended or find me too rude if I asked)! Red / Kaffe Fassett / simple piecing: I love it! And pictures of the back too!
    Congratulations to Sue on a great quilt!
    Am off to check my stash! Hope someone can find info on the pattern. If not, I'll wing it.
