
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Oh Baby, The August Quilt Weekend Edition

There must be a baby boom in Boston because I saw a lot of baby quilts being made at our August quilt weekend.

Pat finished three baby quilts, complete with binding! She is a quilting whiz!

Debbie finished two tops. She also finished the top of her baby quilt with stars for her grandson, Kellen. You can see it here. It just needs binding.

Kim P. made this darling baby toy out of fleece. It is a caterpillar that turns into a butterfly. The pattern is by Abby Glassenberg and can be purchased here.
I need to work on my baby quilt for my darling friend Anna who is having her second baby next month. It is started, but nowhere near finished. I think the baby will beat me. Anna is expecting another boy. She has also requested that I make her a diaper bag. Yikes! Better get sewing.
She is super skinny and adorable with a giant baby bump!
Anna's first baby, Logan, just turned three and started preschool yesterday!
First preschool, then college!
Linking up on Tuesday with Freemotion by the River. Thanks for visiting!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. Beautiful baby quilts! I just finished up one for a friend's son and wife who just found out they are having a girl. I had it ready to quilt and then changed the backing to pink when I found out.

  2. Nice collection of baby quilts! I think the elephants one is my favorite but all are great! Best of luck with your sewing, hope you finish your presents in time!

  3. Cute baby quilts. I think it would be tough to pick a favorite.
