
Monday, October 17, 2016

Introducing my friend, artist James Russell

Mike and I went to the Fort Point Open Studios yesterday to visit my friend Jim and see his paintings. Jim lives in an artist community in a converted factory loft. The community hosts an Open Studio event twice a year. I met Jim because he works at the Courtyard Marriott where the Brown Bag Quilters meet each month. Jim is a real sweetie and loves to come into the conference room to see what we're all working on. He spoils us with snacks and drinks and praises our quilt projects excessively. In turn, we make sure that Jim always gets a piece of birthday cake. A few years ago, we made Jim a quilt because all the Brown Bagger girls just love him.

Jim has told me about his paintings before and showed me one or two on his phone. However, he works on a large scale (most of his paintings are 48" square or larger), so I was blown away when I got to see them in person. Sadly, my little iPhone photos are not doing Jim's GORGEOUS paintings justice. You'll just have to make sure to go to the next Open Studio event and see them in person.

Jim doesn't number his work or even name his paintings. A lot of his current work shown was in blues and greens, which is one of my favorite color palettes. Some of the paintings even had some glitter in them. Jim originally started with oil paint but now works in acrylic.
This one reminds me of the Carribbean. It makes me feel calm and tranquil.
Here is my friend Jim, the man behind the paintings! This one reminds me of Monet's water lilies.
50 shades of teal!
I wish this painting was fabric!
This one looked like a winter view of trees while skiing. It would be a fabulous batik! My apologies for the bad lighting!
This painting looks like it has lace in it. Mike questioned Jim on how he obtained this effect.
This is one of Jim's earlier pieces.
This orange painting greeted you when you entered Jim's loft.
This painting is in Jim's bedroom. It hangs over his desk.
This painting is in Jim's living room and hangs over his fireplace.
This is a giclee print of a very large painting (over six feet tall) that Jim did not have hanging on his wall. I thoughtfully offered to take it home so he'd have more space. I'd happily redecorate my whole house around it. The giclee print is lovely but the actual painting is even more magnificent. This was one of my favorites. I think it would make a gorgeous quilt. (I am running out of adjectives!)
Here is the quilt that we made for Jim.
This is Jim's floor which he hand-painted! I think he was subliminally inspired by the concentric squares in his quilt.
I would be happy to have any of Jim's painting in my house. The colors really speak to me. I've even offered to trade him a quilt for a painting. Or perhaps we can do a collaboration together!

Thanks for visiting!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. Jim, you are so talented! I'm glad Nancy got to see you paintings in person and share them with us. i agree, Nancy, they would make great fabric.

  2. Wow his paintings are gorgeous. I agree they would make spectacular fabrics.
