
Thursday, October 26, 2017

I like Thursdays: Almost Wordless

My friend LeeAnna who blogs at Not Afraid of Color hosts a weekly I Like Thursdays theme. NOTE: you don't have to actually like Thursday, rather it's more of a recap of capturing joy during the week.

How can you not love these two little faces? And check out Caesar's snaggle tooth... adorable.
Life with the Pug Pack is always interesting. Caesar is a funny little love bug and he will get his own blog post soon. LarryPug remains our extremely neurotic but lovable little dude.

I also like that it is fall in New England, yet it has remained unseasonably warm. I'm not admitting to liking Global Warming, but I am enjoying still wearing sandals and shorts in late October. I can't remember a fall this warm.

I like returning to blogging and the kind words from my blogging friends.

Marion and I went to a quilt show and a bead show last weekend and I'll post some pictures soon. I'm still trying to get back into a crafting groove. I'm working on a baby quilt and a kumihimo bracelet.

More later.

Pugs and kisses,


  1. I've been looking at a lot of beads lately too.....happy for you that your weeks are being filled with more joy!

  2. Good to see part of the pug crew. I like blogging too. It helps me think of good things, and not dwell.

  3. Glad you joined us for I Like Thursdays! Your pugs are adorable! Enjoy your return to crafting and blogging - I hope that means your work has slowed down some.

  4. Hi Nancy,
    Welcome! Oh my goodness - those little pug faces! When they have a tooth stitching out, that just melts my heart. Little cutie pies. I looking forward to seeing the baby quilt you're working on - I love, love, LOVE making baby quilts and looking at them. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Your pugs are adorable! We have a ShihTsu (among other furmonsters) and she's missing a couple teeth so instead of a snaggle tooth she has a droopy tongue always falling out the side of her mouth.

  6. Pugs are so cute. Yours sure look happy. So glad you are blogging again. Looking forward to seeing your new projects.
