
Thursday, November 9, 2017

I Like Thursdays: Three Things

Lee Anna's I like Thursdays is encouraging me to blog more and I like that!

Here are three things for Thursday!

I like to see my quilts being used and loved.
This is my little cousin Angie with her cat and her cat quilt.
I finished a quilt!
I am happy that my sewing mojo (aka sewjo) has returned. This baby quilt had been languishing in my sewing room since February. It just needed a few more lines of quilting and a binding. It is a gift for Jeremie who is one of my trainers at the gym. He and his wife had a baby boy named Owen in May.
Handsome husband Mike is my quilt holder.
All the fabric came from my stash! Win!
I even had the coordinating fabric for the back!
I am seeking advice from my quilt blogging friends. 
My friend Dianne asked me to finish this table runner for her. Her Mom passed away this summer and like all good quilters left behind a couple of unfinished projects. What would you mark this white fabric with? I usually use white Clover Chaco Liner, but it obviously won't work on white fabric. I'm nervous to use colored Chaco Liner, like yellow, pink, or blue, unless one of you has used it before because I'm nervous that the color won't wash out. Or what about a Frixion pen, which disappears with ironing? Your advice needed!
What would you use to mark this fabric for quilting?
Happy Thursday!
Here's a rare photo of all three pug boys sleeping in the same dog bed.
Thanks for visiting! Linking up with Lee Anna.

Pugs and kisses,


  1. Good Morning,
    Oh my - that last picture just tugs at my heart! How adorbs! Mike is a great quilt holder - he could make it his profession. And peeps using a quilt you made for them is just the best! Wear it out, please - I will happily make you another. {{Hugs}} for posting more - that's a win/win too. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. No marking! I've had it show back after washing! I do use choco chalk in yellow sometimes but it leaves a faint color line, so I use it for piecing. I use painter's tape for temporary lines on quilting if I need them. Otherwise you can sew one line, then use the edge of your foot to do the echo quilting. Free motion is just that, unmarked free. For motifs I've used freezer paper to sew around then lift off. LeeAnna

    1. I agree. Painters tape for straight lines.

    2. Nancy,
      I forgot to say anything about marking your quilt! I also use painter's tape, and then follow the stitch line with my presser foot. I have used Pounce chalk with a stencil and it did brush off fairly easily and washed out well too. I hope you find what works for you! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Aw, love the pug picture! I try not to mark at all either. I agree with the previous comment.

  4. Love my Frixion pens. I also use painter's tape. Sweet quilt.
    mary in Az

  5. Your post made me smile...Love seeing Angie using her quilt and the pugs are adorable.!

  6. It always feels so good to finish up something and finally be able to give it! Your baby quilt is such fun! I really like my Hera marking tool for marking straight line designs on a quilt. It doesn't leave any color - just a crease in the fabric.

  7. What a sweet baby quilt! Love the backing fabric. What did you do to the pugboys to make them so tired? For marking, I agree--use painter's tape orcut out some designs and iron them on with freezer paper. I've also traced designs on tissue paper and then pinned it on and stitched right through it. Messy, but effective!

  8. Well used quilts are always a joyous thing.

  9. Wonderful photo of the three little sweeties. I use a Frixon pen but am by no means an expert. I do like that woodsy fabric!

  10. Have you tried a hera marker? I have seen people use them before. Obviously I got lost in time again. Glad you got your sewjo back.
