
Friday, January 25, 2019

2019 Birthday Blocks

Each year the Brown Baggers choose a birthday block for our annual exchange. We vote on the block choices in the fall and create a sign up sheet. We can choose our own colors and often provide one or more of the fabrics in the block.

This is our 2019 Birthday Block. The pattern is from Stitchin' Therapy's blog.

Last year's block had way too many half square triangles and it caused me (and others) a lot of angst. Debbie finally found that if we used the Layer Cake papers, it made the block come out a bit more easily, but by then, half the year had gone by.

This year's block is easy and fun (see picture above). Marion celebrated her quilting birthday during our MLK quilt weekend, so we got to see the new blocks all made up in Marion's color choice which was a scrappy white background with Kaffe Fassett fabrics.
Here is Joannie laying them out on the table as Marion opens her gifts.
Here is Kim P.'s machine all set up to assembly sew lots and lots of birthday blocks!
Here is a photo from Stitchin' Therapy's blog, showing the quilt top. Isn't it pretty?
I chose not to participate in our birthday swap this year, but I may make the quilt on my own because I really like it! And it looks like a great way to use some of your scraps (although it won't make a dent in my scrap pile!).

If you want to see more of our birthday blocks, just type "birthday blocks" in the search bar on the right hand side.

Thanks for visiting!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. I love this block! And it made some great quilts. It always looks like you all have so much fun. Have a great weekend!

  2. Oh I saw that and thought what? But then the streak of lightning setting is awesome. I agree what a great way to use up scraps.
