
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Pugtastic Tuesday: A Visit from Roxy

People often ask why I have pugs. After 9/11 I decided to get a dog because I had always wanted one and I wasn't going to wait for the "right time" any longer. I knew that I wanted a small dog. I investigated several different breeds including pugs, Boston Terriers, and King Charles Cavalier Spaniels. I also considered adopting a greyhound (not a small dog, but a fairly complacent breed), but my boyfriend, at the time, didn't want a "used" dog (his words, not mine).

Enter Lyn. Lyn was one of my very favorite clients, and she had two pugs, Rocky and Harley. She told me funny stories about them all the time. I also read Clara: The Story of the Pug Who Ruled My Life by Margo Kaufman and fell even more in love with the breed. I brought my first pug, Romeo, home in March 2002 and the rest is history.

Lyn has retired and moved to Arizona. Rocky and Harley and Romeo have all crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Roxy is Lyn's current pug. I got this adorable photo from her the other day.
It’s cold in Arizona right now. Time for old gals to get out their minks and jewels. (The mink was inherited from a dog friend, and one of my dog walking pals was so charmed by Roxy  in her fur coat that he made the necklace for her.)
Isn't she precious?

In other big news, the Pug Boys are on Kinga Nichols' refrigerator (to me, this is on par with being a football fan and Tom Brady puts your Christmas card on his refrigerator)! Kinga Nichols is a bead embroidery super star and she is one of my idols. I took a bead embroidery class with her and we bonded over our love of pugs. Kinga has an adorable white pug named Karl Barx and two other fur babies, Samantha Regina, a beautiful boxer, and Butters the cat.
Check out the Pug Boys at lower right.
If you didn't get your 2018 Pug Boys holiday card, don't despair. I'm still writing out a few more.

Thanks for visiting!

Pugs and kisses,

1 comment:

  1. karl Barx. LOL! I'm still laughing... best dog name ever! Congrats for reaching the "big time" Nancy, no one deserves it more. Now that you're friends with the big girls, don't forget us!lol
    I adore the fur and pearls pic. She has a girly soft face. I don't think Milo would put up with pearls but the idea of putting bling on the coat front is great!Maybe he'd wear a thick gold chain like a rapper. Or a macrame bracelet with shells in it like a surfer dude.
