
Sunday, January 26, 2020

Quick Update

Hello Dear Blogging Friends,

Thanks for sending my Dad a card for his 90th birthday. To-date he has received well over 100 cards. Last week in Florida was quite crazy. Both my parents were ill and Mike got sick too. My Mom ended up in the hospital for the week with bronchial asthma. We took my Dad out to dinner for his 90th birthday and I think that he had a good time. Several of my cousins traveled from across the country to join us, so we managed to have a party of about 16 people, which for our little family, is a lot!

My Mom is now out of the hospital (yeah!), but unfortunately my Dad was hospitalized on Friday with pneumonia. So I'm headed back to Florida to help Mom out.

Just wanted to keep in touch!

Pugs and kisses,

P.S. Here are some cute pug photos to tide you over until I write again!

LarryPug will turn 11 in March. Ziggy will be one in May. He is now taller than LarryPug.

In this photo, Ziggy demonstrates that he can indeed stretch out and take both dog beds. Caesar is not pleased.

Pug cuddles. The snuggle is real!


  1. So sorry to read about all the sickness in your family and your Mum ending up in hospital. It's certainly not easy with elderly parents.

  2. Oh I am sorry your parents are ill. Safe journeys, and prayers for you and your family. ROFL Ziggy taking both beds made me giggle. Poor Caesar.

  3. Oh, Nancy, I am sorry to hear things were (are) so hard right now. I hope your Mother recovers quickly at home and that Dad gets better soon. Glad to know that Mike never got bad enough for hospitalization! Please let me know if you need anything up here.

  4. not the trip you hoped for I know, but you did have a celebration with your Dad so that's really good. I had to come look at those pugs close up, so adorable. I get your posts by email but had to come over and see that baby's face close up and he's got such a pretty face. I sure hope you don't get the cold that started all this too, wishing you strength to handle everything. Love, LeeAnna

  5. Oh, Nancy, I hope everyone is better soon! I'm glad you have the flexibility to go help out, though. Hope you get back soon and get some hugs from the adorable pug boys. Fingers crossed for your parents!
