
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Fifty Shades of Grey

This week my regular Thursday quilting night was cancelled because it was the 4th of July (which is a major American holiday). My buddy Pat decided to come over and quilt with me in my Studio on Wednesday night instead.
Pat at work
Pat is busy making two t-shirt quilts for two children who lost their Dad unexpectedly last year due to a sudden illness. Their Mom is ordering the quilts as a birthday surprise. Unfortunately, Dad was not a snazzy dresser...and Mom wants the quilts to be very plain...there was only one logo t-shirt in the whole batch.

One red t-shirt adds a tiny spark, but the rest of the t-shirts are kind of bland.
Pat was having a hard time, because in her own words, she "didn't want to make an ugly quilt." We both agreed that it is very difficult to work with colors that you don't like. Pat and I are a lot alike, we both like lots of bright colors and patterns.

Pat's t-shirt quilt #1
Pat did get one of her tops assembled and I thought it looked really good. It has a modernistic element to it. Pat is still not sure if she likes it. She has nicknamed this quilt, Fifty Shades of Grey.

In contrast to Pat, I was working on my rainbow bargello quilt. I finished both of my strip sets. I LOVE the colors!
Rainbow BRIGHT!!
By the way, my 83-year old Dad read Fifty Shades of Grey and he told me that he thought it was boring. He recommends Forever Amber instead.

What colors do you prefer to work with?

I am linking up to Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Crazy Mom Quilts, and Richard and Tanya Quilts. Please say "Hi" if you come for a visit. July 6: I just added a link to Lily's Quilts, Small Blog Meet. This is for new bloggers with fewer than 50 followers.

Pugs and kisses,


  1. I rather like the 50 Shades of Grey quilt. I'm sure the children will love it. Congrats on getting your strip sets for the bargello finished. That will be very pretty with the rainbow colors.

  2. Nice work, both of you! Personally, I'm a bright saturated colors kind of gal, although occasionally I'll veer off into something else.

    Whoop whoop!!

  3. Please tell Pat that I love the Daddy quilt. My Dad passed 2 years ago and because he also stuck with the same boring colors I have not even started a quilt in fear of what it would look like. But after seeing this quilt ...I know it will be beautiful because they would be my Dad's colors! The kids are going to cheerish it forever!

    1. I showed Pat your email and it gave her goose bumps. Thank you, you made our day. Pat is thrilled that you like her quilt and I am always thrilled to get a comment on my blog!

  4. Love the creative fun great feel this post brings me. very good job nice work...

  5. Nice Blog
    Thanks for sharing... Keep sharing more
    50 Shades Movie
