
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Quiltport USA 2014 Highlights

I feel like I'm so behind in writing this post that I'm just going to start with the Quiltport USA highlights and do a second post when I have more time. I'm also going to start from the end and go in reverse. This year our little group grew to include Beth and Judy.

Our weekend culminated with our friend Nancy Q. winning the grand prize basket! It was filled with lots of quilting goodies!
From left to right: Joannie, me, Ginny, Beth, Nancy Q. and Judi.
Not pictured: Marion who had to leave early and Sue who never
made it because she was felled by a nasty bout of the stomach flu.
A good time was had by all! Here are my sewing projects.

I finished sewing the binding on Linda's birthday quilt.
I was able to give Linda the quilt on her birthday the following weekend!

I also surprised Linda with a matching tote bag.

Love you Linda B! My buddy since first grade!
She knows all my secrets AND she still likes me!
I made seven more Scrappy Trips blocks. No danger of an imminent finish. I think I need at least 90 more to make it bed size...
These blocks are all made from scraps of batik. I swapped these
2.5 inch strips with my Brown Bagger quilting buddies a few years ago.

More Judy Niemeyer fun!
I finished the center blocks for my Glacier Star!

We did a little shopping. Quiltport has its own vendor mall. On the drive up to Maine, we squeezed in three fabric/quilt stores, and there was no shortage of stores and outlets to visit in Freeport. Joannie and I managed to fill the car on the way home. We only needed four trolleys.
The view from the back of Joannie's new Prius. Great gas mileage and plenty of cargo space!

Since Marion left early and Sue was too sick to come, we were able to use all the
space in the back seat! We didn't have to put too much in the overhead compartment...
Nancy Q.'s grandson came to visit us for the weekend. Since Ethan isn't old enough to drive, he brought his Mom (Nancy's daughter Jess) and his Dad, Aaron.
This was one of the few moments that Ethan wasn't smiling.
He is a very happy little boy and I just wanted to squish him!
And there were lots of yummy things to eat...
It's not an official quilt weekend unless there are chocolate chip pancakes.
More later! The gal pals have projects to show off too!

Hoping to link up on Friday morning to Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Richard and Tanya Quilts and CrazyMom Quilts. Thanks for visiting!

Pugs and kisses,

1 comment:

  1. Oh that looks like so much fun and filling the back of a prius with quilting goodies including the whole back seat?!?! OMG what kind of trouble did you girls get into?
