
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Row by Row Kickoff

Perhaps you've read my two blog posts about the Row by Row swap that my quilt group is doing. Here is what I started with and here is the second post. The first hand off for the swap was on Sunday.

I am in Group 1. There are five participants in Group 1.

Here is my first row for my own quilt.
My theme is Pugs in the Garden. Romeo, Elvis and LarryPug just want to play!

Here is Pat's first row.
Pat's theme is Summer. She is starting her quilt with flip flops! How fun!

Here is Lexine's first row.
Lexine's theme is Christmas/Winter. I better look for some Christmas patterns. Lexine likes pugs too. Maybe I should do Christmas pugs...

Here is Nancy D.'s first row.
Nancy D.'s theme is Music. I think this is really clever. My cousin Lise is a professional musician in Chicago, I bet she would like this quilt.

Joanne E.'s theme is Put the tea on, call friends, take your shoes off, don't forget your hat and sew!

I will be working on all these quilts that you see above. This month I have Joanne's quilt to work on.

We have two groups doing the Row by Row this time. The girls below are all swapping in Group 2.

Here is Joannie's first row.
Joannie's theme is Sewing. Love the red pincushion! You would never guess that this is the first time that Joannie has done applique.

Here is Valerie's first row.
Valerie's theme is Snowmen. I think they are very cute.

Here is Kim P.'s first row.
Kim's theme is Anything That Makes Me Smile! Her kitty cats have embroidered faces and three dimensional tails.

Nancy D. organized our Row by Row swap. She just retired and volunteered to be in both groups so that we would have an even number of participants.

Here is Nancy D.'s row for Group 2. At the end of the swap, she will receive two tops back. One with a sewing theme and one with a music theme.
Nancy's second theme is sewing. Coincidentally she used the same pattern as Joannie. I really like the addition of the checkerboard border.

I am excited to be participating, although I am nervous to get started on Joanne's row. Let me know if you have any great patterns with sewing notions!

You'll have to wait until September to see all our finished Row by Row quilt tops. We are supposed to keep them a surprise from each other until the big reveal!

Linking up on Friday to Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Richard and Tanya Quilts, and CrazyMom Quilts!  Thanks for visiting!

Pugs and kisses,

P.S. I know I am behind on my blogging. Sorry, it's been a rough week at work. I will post soon about our quilt weekend in Maine as well as my May quilt of the month. I also have a new finished project to show you!

P.P.S. Congratulations to Joannie on the birth of her second grandchild, Ronan, who came into the world today.


  1. Lovely idea! You pugs came out well. Looks really great in the darker faric on the right - is that Larry?

  2. Those are all so unique and cute.

  3. Love this idea and what everyone is doing with it! Puppies are the best!

  4. Hope "the job that ate my brain" goes better next week. The row by rows look gorgeous!

  5. Good Afternoon Nancy, There is some beautiful work being created by you and your friends. I love how you have Larry, Romeo and Elvis in your first row.... and I absolutely agree.... you must make a Christmas Pug Quilt.... I think it would be fabulous.
    I really like Joannie's first row, the machine looks like my old Singer Sewing Machine and the bright red pin cushion is lovely. It is fascinating when you see two people, using the same pattern, but creating something very different.
    Your work is beautiful Nancy.... you are very talented.
    Love to the boys.
    Best Wishes

  6. What a great idea to share. I've never done a row by row. I need to join a guild. Still loving your pug block. I need to design a springer spaniel block. You inspire me. (Made my way over here via Richard and Tanya's Friday Finish link up). Have a good week!!! :)

  7. I love these and won't it be fun to be working on such colorful row quilts! It's always a little scary to work on a quilt for someone else but these are just full of possibilities. I already got ideas and I don't even get to work on them...
    LeeAnna Paylor
