
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Pretty in Pink and Purging!

Rachel at Stitched in Color is sponsoring a Purge Along this summer. The idea is to get rid of some of your unloved fabric, projects, etc. I like the idea of a purge because I know that if I live two lifetimes, I'll never finish all of my projects.

I'm going to focus my purge on a good hard look at my UFOs (unfinished objects). I started by pulling out some blocks that have been lying around since at least 2006. I took this workshop with Deb Tucker. It is her Rapid Fire Hunter's Star. The block pieces were all completed. I just had to assemble them. On Saturday, I sewed them together while Marion visited.
A future holiday gift in the making. Only eight years so far.
Now I just need to add some borders and I will have a table runner. I will use the leftover fabric for the backing as well. My friend Mary Kate loves pink and my coworker Dianne has a pink dining room, so this will make a nice holiday gift for one of them.

I'm going to pull out a few more UFOs and make some executive decisions:
  1. Do I want to finish this?
  2. Should I list this in my Etsy shop for sale?
  3. Should I give the kit/project to my friend Sue for her ladies at Rosies where she teaches quilting?
I'll keep you posted. You should definitely watch this space since I'm going to go through the unloved fabric and put that for sale in my Etsy shop as well.

In keeping with my pink table runner, here are some lovely pink flowers from my garden this morning.
My front garden
The tall phlox looks beautiful with my painted mailbox.
Rose of Sharon. It is actually purple, but looks pinkish in the photo.
Here are some close-ups from the front garden. These are all perennials.
Echinacea and Rose Campion
Bee Balm
A different variety of Echinacea, also called Cone Flower (much easier to spell)
Better late than never, I'm linking up on Wednesday with Stitched in Color's Purge Along Week One and to Let's Bee Social. Thanks for visiting!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. Oh your table runner will be a lovely gift. Love your flowers I think those may need to be added to may garden for next year.

  2. Purging is so Hard!! Just rearranged my sewing room And was shocked to discover five totes worth of fabric! I am not allowed to buy any fabric until I finish several projects. Maybe I should watch an episode of Horders before I go to the fabric store. Lol!!

  3. pink love! Pink pugs! got carried away, the boys might not be into pink...

  4. Good for you, Nancy! It will feel so good to get into that pile and make the decisions needed to get those pieces used - by yourself or someone else. The table runner top is very pretty. And so are all those beautiful flowers! Love that shot of the phlox with your painted mailbox. How delightful!

  5. Love this idea! And your flowers are gorgeous!!!

  6. I missed this post....the flowers are refreshing to see this time of year. I remember when I use to paint my mailbox...hmmmm maybe I'll add that to my summer yours is charming:)
