
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Small Finishes Saturday

There's an old quilting adage, Finished is better than perfect. To which I add, And a small finish is better than no finish at all.

It was a perfectly routine Saturday. Marion came over to sew with me, we had Chinese food for lunch and we ended the afternoon with a little fabric shopping. What more could a girl want?

I finished Logan's birthday present. He turns 1 on Tuesday along with Prince George. Prince George is probably having a slightly larger birthday party but he won't be receiving a hand made gift from me.

Scottie dog and two fabric books
The Scottie dog can also be seen in its full glory here (along with a link to the free pattern).

LarryPug and Elvis photobombed the original photo, so they had to be asked to step aside.
Marion brought over her Barbados Bag to show me. This pattern is from Pink Sand Beach Designs. Although Marion is a pink and purple lover like me, she chose a black and beige paisley to coordinate with her winter wardrobe, or a couple of pugs I know...

I'm not sure who is cuter, Marion or LarryPug.
Marion tries to explain to LarryPug that the bag is Not a gift for him. I'm not sure that he believes her.

I want to make this bag pattern. It's a great size.
Marion had a BIG finish today. Check out her gorgeous top made with her 2013 batik birthday blocks (yes, she made a few extras). It measures 90x96.
Marion, LarryPug, Romeo, Elvis and I are all behind the quilt, but it's pretty big.
Plus the wind started to blow as soon as we got the camera. Isn't this pretty?
My lunch today! Yum! I bet you thought I was going to show you the fabric I bought...
I hope that you are having a great weekend!

Linking up on Sunday to Sew Darn Crafty. Thanks for visiting!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. Sounds like a perfect day! Your pugs are so photogenic!

  2. Looks like a fun day and always hilarious when the pugs photo bomb the pics. Marion's quilt is fab U lous!

  3. photo bomb!! hahahaha those two... Larry seems to be slightly in lurve with Marion.
