
Monday, October 6, 2014

Gary's New Quilt

My brother Gary came down from New Jersey last weekend to see my parents. He also met his new brother-in-law, Mike and his newest nephew, LarryPug. I was very happy to see Gary because I haven't seen him in a really, long, long time.

Naturally, I sent him home with a quilt. Perhaps this quilt will offer some consolation since the loss of his '80s disco shirt.
This is Gary's dog Giacomo showing off
the quilt in its new home.
I purchased this quilt as a kit at the Vermont Quilt Festival in 2009. It is a Trip Around the World made up in Asian fabrics. I finished this quilt on May 19, 2011. I did not keep a record of who did the machine quilting for me, but it is lovely.

Here is a close-up of the different fabrics. This is a  better representation of
the true quilt colors, since they appear rather muted in the photo above.
There are Geishas on the back. I was lucky to find
the perfect theme backing fabric on sale.
This is my husband Mike (in blue) with two of his brother-in-laws,
Paul, on the left, (who is married to Mike's sister, Susan)
and my brother Gary, standing in the rear.
Linking up on Tuesday to Freemotion by the River. Linking up on Friday to Crazy Mom Quilts, Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Richard and Tanya Quilts. Thanks for visiting!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. I love Trip Around the World quilts, and yours is the most unique combination of fabrics and colours I've seen yet! The more you look, the more intriguing it is...just love it!

  2. Very pretty quilt. How nice to gift it to someone.

  3. Trips are so much fun to make -- reminds me I haven't done one for a while and I should!!

  4. Glad you got to see Gary - you all must have had fun, what with the zany sense of humor that runs in your family Nancy! That quilt is lovelt!

  5. Lovely...not lovelt. Where was autocorrect when I needed it? LOL
