
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

On Sunday, the Girls Slept In...

Sunday morning I awoke bright and early and couldn't go back to sleep. So I decided that I would surprise my Brown Bagger friends and arrive at quilting early. I was there promptly at 8 am (usually I stroll in around 10am) and was greeted by an empty room.
All alone in the empty room with nothing to do but sew!
16 tables all for me! I had lots of room to spread out. I was busy working on Lily's Owl Quilt, but I was wondering where everyone was... finally at 9:30 am, Marion strolled in, followed shortly by Joanne E.

The room was humming as the girls were busy making holiday gifts. Nothing like a little pressure to get you to sew faster! Lots of pillowcases were in progress, but Sue was crowned the pillowcase queen at the end of the day when she clocked in with 15 finished pillowcases!
Here is Sue hard at work.
Lots of finished pillowcases!
Check out Sue's cute novelty prints. Starting at the top: Bad Hair Day, puppies,
Paris, postmarks, doggy cowboys, baking kitties and sushi loving cats.
Joanne E. and Debbie were also working at the pillowcase factory.
Here is Joanne showing off one of her creations.
Check out this cute fabric with lingerie.
Debbie had 10 pillowcases ready to sew but her machine
decided to be naughty and not sew. Even Sally, our master
repairwoman couldn't fix it.
Debbie's sewing machine wasn't our only casualty. Somehow, I managed to iron my thumb! Ouch! The first rule of thumb in quilting is not to iron your thumb!

Lori was making minky scarves. They have elastic thread inside them to make them scrunch up. They are warm and cuddly just like the pug boys! Perhaps if I am really, really good, Lori will get some more leopard print minky and make me one...

Here is Lori modelling her first completed scarf in grey minky.
Joannie was making a Christmas table runner. She quilted it using her embroidery machine.
Isn't this red and silver fabric pretty?
Kim P. was making potholders to give as Christmas gifts to her co-workers.
Black and white will look good with everything!
As usual, Kim was working from her stash.
Recently, several of the girls took a Double Wedding Ring class at the Button Box. Both Nancy D. and Sally brought their newest UFOs to work on and show us what they had learned.
Nancy shows off a completed block in 30's prints.
Here Sally is using a little wooden roller to press her seams.
Sally is using these lovely batiks in her Double Wedding Ring.
We were happy to welcome back one of our original Brown Baggers, Lynne, to the group!
Here is Marion checking out Lynne's newest project.
It is a Jewel Box variation done in lots of Kaffe prints!
After a full day of eight hours of sewing, I managed to assemble the top of Lily's quilt. It just needs outer borders and I need to go buy more green flannel. This pattern is Colonnade by my blogging friend Kim from Robot Mom Sews. It is fast and easy. This is the second one I've made. You can see the first one here.
Lily's Owl Quilt is made of flannel. It will keep her warm this winter.
Here is a close-up of some of the cute fabrics. I bought them all at Joann Fabrics. Owl prints are "in" right now and I can't stop buying them. I will try to use more of them on the back of Lily's quilt.
A special thanks to my darling husband who not only baby sat the pug boys for me while I sewed all day, but greeted me with this delicious dinner when I got home.
It was so good that I had seconds!
You can find the recipe here. It is called Slow Cooker Moroccan Chickpea and Turkey Stew. Mike made his in the pressure cooker.

Thanks for visiting! In case you are an avid reader like me, you might notice that my title pays homage to the Rabbi Small mystery series by Harry Kemelman. Have you ever read them? Linking up on Tuesday to my blogging friend Connie at Freemotion by the River. On Friday I am linking up to Richard and Tanya Quilts, Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Crazy Mom Quilts.

Pugs and kisses,


  1. Oh I used to love those Rabbi Small books! Nancy am I cuckoo to be thinking that I read them back in the seventies? It looks like you all had such a marvelous time sewing together! Your poor thumb... but it was funny the way you said "The first rule of thumb in quilting is not to iron your thumb!" Hope it wasn't a bad burn!
    Oh yes, a scrunched up minky scarf would feel a lot like a pug. They are such soft little guys (the pugs)

  2. Good job getting your owl quilt top finished, and to get to the group early. How nice it is to stake out the spot and spread....:D I love mysteries so your author sounds like it would be a good read.

  3. What an absolutely perfect sew day!! Love the owls and bright green in your Lily's quilt.

  4. Gold Star for you for finishing Lily's quilt top! I am notorious for taking up tons of space at our sewing retreats and Saturday sews. Usually it's two six foot tables but it's been know to be a whole row of small tables. Opps!

  5. I think if I got there early I would have spread out over all of the tables. More room for me! Lovely flannel owl quilt! Cute plus snuggly. Sure to be loved!

  6. Wow, that is a big and beautiful quilt! Whoop whoop!!
