
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Sew Days, Snow Daze

Still time to participate in two great give-aways on my blog! Both are open through February 14th. The first give-away can be found on my Grow Your Blog Post. The second give-away, which is for Karen's original pattern designs, can be found in Part 2 of my Cape Cod Weekend blog. Enter today! Don't delay!

Hello Blog Friends. It's me, Nancy, reporting live from the new snow capitol of the world, Boston, MA. We haven't taken our trash out in three weeks, and we appear to be running out of light bulbs and paper towels, but otherwise, we are okay. We should be able to make it to March as long as we have dog food and donuts. If you want to skip the quilting report, the snow pictures are at the bottom of the blog.

Last weekend it only snowed lightly, but the threat was enough to keep me (and most others) indoors and at home for most of the time. Happily I was able to get some sewing done. I did a bunch of random but necessary sewing and organizing which included making the giant back for Susan's king size quilt (9 yards of fabric--luckily purchased this summer for $1.99 a yard at the discount fabric store in Auburn, MA--their prices have since gone up), made two blocks for a swap, and organized my box of Kaffe scraps. Now I have neat piles of 2" strips, 2.5" strips, 5" squares, and a smaller pile of "miscellaneous."
What will it be... YBR of course!
I surprised myself and starting cutting out some of my Valentine's Day fabric. I know that this quilt won't be done for Saturday, but at least it's in the works. Most of my Valentine's Day fabrics are ancient and I noticed that some of them were quite thin while I was cutting them. The prints and colors are cheerful and I look forward to having this on my bed next year for February Quilt of the Month 2016.

I finally started to work on a table runner for my co-worker Brooke. I promised it to her two years ago as a house-warming gift, then it became an engagement gift and now it is a wedding gift. I better finish it before I need to turn it into a baby quilt!
All the purple fabric is from Nancy's House of Fabric (aka my Stash).
I also made two pillowcases. I actually went to the Post Office yesterday to mail them and it was closed!
Valentine Owls for Lily and Mickey Mouse for my friend Dianne's grandson.
I asked the girls to report in since none of us were able to get together.

Kim G. ventured out on Saturday and took a neat bag-making class at All About Quilts in Walpole. This is the Sew Together Bag by Sew Demented. Kim, of course, made two bags.
This is the bag when it is closed.
Lots and lots of zippered pockets inside!
Kim was also busy using her new Go! Cutter to cut up her entire fabric stash. If this snow doesn't end, I'm afraid that she will move on to her curtains and table cloths!

On Saturday, Joannie was hard at work on her sister's Double Wedding Ring (this is a quilt that in theory Joannie's sister Mary is making to give to her son and his bride for their wedding). On Sunday, Joannie was able to work on her own project, which is a gift for her sister, Janet, a Sparkling Gem Stones quilt.

Marion stayed at home and finished two pieced borders for her Sampler Quilt. She also started a new project.

Pat did some sewing, cleaning, and organizing and found an older UFO that she had forgotten about. The top was done and it only needed borders.
This beautiful top is machine embroidered and appliqued.
Everyone reported that they did a lot of shoveling!!!

Are you ready to see a lot of snow pictures?

On Saturday, I took some "before" photos.
You can still see the purple bench if you look hard.
Lamp post

This is where our plow guy puts the snow so we can get into our garage.

Back patio
The Pug Boys say, "Make it Stop!!"
Front yard
Mail box
LarryPug on the path to the garage
Elvis says, "Will this ever end?"
Romeo says, "I am 13 and I have NEVER seen this much snow in my life!"
Front of the house
More front yard
Front gate
Side path
Let us in!
It snowed all last weekend as well as all day Monday into Tuesday. On Tuesday, I took some "after" photos. It was early in the morning and the light was eerie and blue.
We can still see the lamp post.
You can no longer see the six foot high fence at the top of our driveway.
This is my driveway on Tuesday morning. Two feet of snow!
No sign of the purple bench. I guess we'll find it in the Spring.
Garage and Quilt Studio
Back patio... perhaps the snow will melt in time for the 4th of July.
Front door
Front yard
Not sure the mailman can find the mailbox... should I raise the flag?
I'm afraid to think about how much money we owe Kevin the plow guy. I wonder if he is married. Perhaps his wife is a quilter and he will work for fabric?

Thanks for visiting! Linking up on Friday to Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Richard and Tanya Quilts and Crazy Mom Quilts.

Pugs and kisses,

P.S. Guess what's in our weather forecast for today and this weekend? Snow...


  1. While we have not got quite as much as you have. After our initial wallop of 18 inches we get about an inch or two a day. Then we have a day or two where it is above freezing, and some melts, then we get a couple of inches. I have old Valentine's Day fabric too. Take care of the pug boys, they could be buried in an avalanche.

  2. Than you for sharing the photos. My favorite is the "Let me in" pug pic. Ozzie would be right with them. You know, I am a bit jealous of your quilt groups. I have one friend who is a quilter...and that is because I taught her.

  3. One thing with quilters... if we are house bound, there are plenty of projects to sew! Your snow pictures are unbelievable. Stay safe and keep on sewing!

  4. My goodness and here I thought we had a lot of snow! Everyone's projects are so pretty.

  5. Thanks for all the snow photos. I've been reading about the huge accumulations, but pictures are better. We could use a little of your snow on our mountains here in the Pacific Northwest. It's nice to be a quilter with a stash at times like this. Keep it up!

  6. I'm ready to throw away all the snowmen decorations! I'm blaming them for all the snow.

  7. Wonder if the snowman on the door encouraged this craziness... like a raindance...
    The three at the door! LOL!
    Glad you have a path to the studio... you'll have to leave breadcrumbs so when you come back out you can find you way back to the and Mike.
    Seriously, that's too much snow. Give some to the snow deprived areas, share it. Like when a parent said, eat your carrots there are starving children in some remote location? There are parts of the Arctic circle wondering where their snow went. Mail it to them.

  8. Wow that is a LOT of snow!! I'm sure everyone in your area is ready for spring! My pug didn't like the snow at all. She wouldn't go outside unless we swept a spot off for her. Hope the pug pack likes the snow, at least a little? At least the snow isn't all bad, projects are getting finished! I've made one of those five zippered pouches and they aren't the easiest things to do. We had white out conditions at my sewing retreat on Saturday. We were very glad to stay inside and sew. Stay safe and warm!!
