
Monday, October 19, 2015

Boxy Pouch Fever

October Weekend Part 2: Boxy Pouch Making of Epic Proportions!

Let's just say that Nancy D. started it all here...

It swept across the room. Kim P. succumbed quickly.
Then Valerie fell.
And then there was Pat. She got it so bad, she made two on Sunday morning. Over-achiever that she is, she even lined them in vinyl.
Eventually Sally got the bug and made one on late Sunday afternoon.
I may have gone to the fabric store this afternoon to look at zippers and interfacing... Okay, I admit it, Marion, Joannie, and I are going to try making one next Saturday.

Is there a boxy pouch in your future?

Here is the video that Nancy D. used.

And here is a boxy pouch tutorial that I found online.

More October weekend fun soon!

Linking up on Friday to Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Richard and Tanya Quilts and
Crazy Mom Quilts. Thanks for visiting!

Read my other non-quilting blog here. I'd love it if you signed up to subscribe!
Pugs and kisses,


  1. Those are great. I have been seeing them around blogasphere lately and love them.

  2. Right, I just got the bug, off to the sewing room, forget the chores.

  3. i feel like this could be a great halloween project. turn it sideways, zipper is mouth, two tabs are ears. green fabric. eyes. black fabric hair on square head. frankenstein pouch.

  4. Great boxes/pouches. I'll have to have a look at that video and see if I catch the bug xx

  5. I keep seeing them popping up all over. Great idea, especially lining them with plastic for a makeup bag!

  6. Great, more squirrels...haha, seriously thanks for the reminder; I am pretty sure I have that video saved in my YouTube account... Love all the variety here!

  7. This fever is so catching, some of my quilty friends here in Wales have caught it too! I must try making one myself, they're just too cute. :)

  8. I don't often make anything other than landscape or bed quilts, but this is soooo practical and attractive I must try it. Thanks so much for sharing!
