
Monday, February 8, 2016

Kim P.'s Spectacular Snake River Log Cabin

Dearest Blogging Friends and Relations,

Feast your eyes on this magnificent quilt top recently completed by my very talented Brown Bagger quilting buddy, Kim P. (not to be confused with Kim G., who was the subject of my last post).
This quilt is even more fabulous in person. There are about one zillion, teeny, tiny pieces in it.
Yes, yes, you all want to run out and buy the book now, don't you? This quilt is called Snake River and it is from the book, Judy Martin's Log Cabin Quilt Book. In fact, it is the cover quilt. I, too, own this book and there are many fabulous log cabin quilts in it to choose from. One day I will make a quilt (or two) from this book.

Here is Kim P. with her masterpiece. She has been working on this project for a while. It's certainly not a Quilt in a Day! She purchased two kits from the former Heart Beat Quilts in Hyannis a couple of years ago. One kit wasn't large enough because she wanted to make her quilt queen-size.

Here is the quilt assembly backwards. I started with the best photos first.

During our recent Cape Cod quilt weekend, Kim first assembled the center of the quilt.
Here is Kim pressing her seams. She chain pieced her center together first.
The center of the quilt emerges!
Please note that depending on which edition of Judy Martin's Log Cabin Quilt Book that you own, there are a few errors in some of her patterns. Kim was smart to check, which saved her a lot of heartache. Check here for errata. Judy self-publishes her books and is great about fixing any mistakes.

Lastly, here is an example of Kim's perfect piecing and perfect pressing.
This is the back of one of Kim's blocks.
I bet you wish you could sew like Kim P.!

Next step? Kim needs to quilt this queen-size beauty! I can't wait to see it!

Linking up on Tuesday to Freemotion by the River. Thanks for visiting!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Colette! I will pass along your compliment to Kim!

  2. So BEAUTIFUL!! I have been amassing the fabrics to start this quilt in Christmas colors (king size) for our master bedroom at Christmas. Literally planned to start cutting this week. I clicked on the link and it says "no longer available" (the link for "check here for errors"). I do own the book - bought it years ago - do I need to buy the new e-book version to check for mistakes in the pattern?? Tell Kim P. it is STUNNINGLY beautiful!! I love it!!
