
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Berkshires: Kim G. and Cordula Play with Color

Like all of the Brown Bag quilters, Kim G. and Cordula are also very talented. Both Kim G. and Cordula use a lot of Kaffe Fasset prints in their work. Cordula has been known to whip up some quilt tops made entirely of scraps from Kim G.'s projects.

Kim G. made two more Frida Kahlo quilts using her own original silk screens. You can see her first Frida quilt here. Kim made the first quilt as a gift for a friend. Her friend liked it so much that she commissioned Kim to make two more Frida quilts for each of her daughters. Kim even did a little silk screening in the hotel using her bathroom floor as a work surface when she needed a few more blocks. She is so resourceful!
Kim made two identical quilts for her friend's two daughters. I really like the lively colors that she used to print the silk screened blocks.
Here's another shot of Kim's quilt before the final border was added.
She also worked on an ancient UFO that she called Dresden Hearts. Read more about Kim G. here.
I really like Kim's Dresden Hearts, which of course, are made with Kaffe Fassett prints.
Cordula made another one of her favorite quilt patterns, this circle quilt. I do not know the name of the pattern, but I think it is the third time she has made it. I didn't get any other pictures of Cordula's projects, but you can see Cordula playing photo stylist in this Berkshires' post and hanging out with Sally and Joan here.
Kim G. has gotten some of the girls hooked on Mah Jong. Here they are in the hotel lobby, taking a break from quilting.
Here is Kim G. playing against the Pratt Dynasty of Karen, Caroline, and Kim P.
Thanks for visiting!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. Beautiful quilts. I love that Bullseye one. Mah Jong is such a fun game.

  2. You have the most fun! Do you know that?? LOL!!

  3. Gorgeous quilts. I am envious of all your so creative friends.
