
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Happy Campers

Cameron has received his baby quilt! I call it Happy Campers.
Good thing the quilt is big enough for Cameron and big brother Logan to share!
This is another Warm Wishes baby quilt. Check out the Winnie the Pooh version I made last year for baby Nate. (You can download the pattern for free here.) Happy Campers uses the same colors, just the values are different. Cameron's fabrics are bright and cheery while Nate's are more of a pastel tone. I added outer borders to Cameron's quilt because I had extra focus fabric. I am excited to report that except for the main fabric, all of the other fabric came from my stash!

The focus fabric is a camping theme. My dear friend Anna (Cameron and Logan's Mom) and I chose it when I visited her in Florida last winter and she told me that she was pregnant. It has been beautifully machine quilted by my blogging friend Val, who found the most perfect camping pantograph complete with a camp fire, an owl, a dragonfly and more!

Here's a picture of the quilt minus the boys.
I also made Cameron a flannel blankie because I found this adorable flannel on sale and I couldn't leave it behind.
I embroidered his name on the other side and finished it with a wide satin blanket binding.
I also made two pillowcases for Logan. One is made from the same flannel as brother Cameron's blankie and the other has Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles on it (and of course I sent a TMN t-shirt too).
Anna said that both pillowcases had to go on the bed as soon as they came out of the box.

Linking up on Friday to Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Fabric Frenzy Friday, TGIFF, Let's Make Baby Quilts and Crazy Mom Quilts. Linking up on Tuesday to Freemotion by the River and on Wednesday to Let's Bee Social.

Thanks for visiting!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. Oh the quilt is cute, but the flannel blankies are great too.

  2. What a lucky couple of kids! :)

  3. Such a cute quilt (and kids!) I like the idea of making pillowcases to go along with quilts for kids. Have a great weekend!

  4. Oh man I LOVE seeing the quilt with the boys!!! All your crafty gifts are so perfectly meant for them.

  5. Lovely finish! Then again I'm a sucker for anything camping related. I bet the quilting with those fabrics is fab! Thanks for linking up with TGIFF!

  6. Very cool. I have also been creating pillowcases to send along to older siblings when sending a baby quilt, is fun to think of the older kids too.

  7. Great job, Nancy! I've had my eye on that pattern for a while. Thanks for the reminder (and the link)! The kids seem to love it too!
