
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Pugtastic Tuesday: Art Imitating Life

Hello Dear Blogging Friends,

I had good intentions of writing this post on Sunday evening so I could release it on Monday evening so it would be waiting for you in your inbox. But as we know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Sunday evening slipped into Monday, then Monday slipped into Tuesday, which was a blizzard here in New England. I worked from home, surrounded by the pug boys. This has been our third large storm in two weeks. Up until now, we've had a fairly mild winter, so I guess that March is coming in like a lion.

Here are today's newest pug photos.
Elvis sat on Caesar for a while. Caesar is quite good-natured and didn't seem to mind.
The pug boys found most of my work day snooze-inducing.
I am under 24-hour pug surveillance. Here LarryPug keeps a close eye on me while I use the bathroom.
Last Tuesday, I featured our pug art. Later that week, Mike and I had dinner at Zaftigs Delicatessen in Brookline. We were seated next to a very large painting.
Do you see what I see on the front steps?
The artist is Dan O'Connor.
Doesn't this darling pug boy look just like my Elvis? I was in love.
But it gets better, because there are actually two pugs in the painting...look in the right side window.
This one is slightly long-eared for a pug, but he reminds me of our dear departed Romeo.
For more on life imitating art...

Thanks for all of your lovely comments on my blog post last week. I'm still in the process of answering your emails.

Next week, I think that I will feature some of my pug bracelets. As always, I'm open to your suggestions. What other pug items would you like to see?

Thanks for visiting!

Pugs and kisses,

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it amazing that the pug boys and Bobbin think on the same wave length. I cannot go to the bathroom unsupervised. What a great painting.
