50 years ago today, my Mom brought me home a gift, my baby brother Gary. I was hoping for a sister, since I already had a brother. But Gary turned out to be way better than any sister could have been. He is smart, funny, compassionate and a good friend besides being my sibling. And I am extra lucky, because I have another brother who also has these same great qualities. What more could a sister ask for?
Here's my brother back in elementary school. Isn't he a cutie pie? |
Gary has changed careers a couple of times, but has found his true calling and is teaching junior high school math at a school in the Bronx, NY. He loves teaching and he loves his kids. Looks like they had some fun today in the classroom.
Gary is the one in the middle wearing a birthday crown. I love that several of the boys in his class are sporting birthday tiaras. |
Meanwhile in Florida, my darling friend Anna had her third baby and she finally got her girl!
Mom, Dad and baby girl are all doing well. Big brothers Logan, age 5, and Cameron, age 2, got to meet baby sister tonight. |
Meet Adalynn Audrey. Born 6/8 at 4:23pm; 8lbs 4oz, 20” long. Beautiful, happy and healthy! Her birthday will be easy to remember since it is the same as my brother Gary's! |
Adalynn has asked for a ballerina baby quilt. I have the fabric and was just waiting for her to make her appearance. I guess I better get sewing!
Thanks for visiting!
Pugs and kisses,
Happy Birthday brother! Oh my what a sweet baby. I had a request for a baby quilt. The colors are almost a sprout green and baby poop brown. Ewwww.