I am still in "re-entry" mode after having enjoyed a full week off from work including four days of sewing with some of my Brown Bagger friends in the Berkshires. If you've been following my blog for a while, you may realize this is an annual trip. Indeed, this is our fifteenth year together in Western Massachusetts. I think that I've only missed one visit. Since we've been together for so long, we gravitate towards doing the same things and eating at the same restaurants, etc., so I will try not to be too repetitive.
Yesterday, I wrote about our
felted wool class. Karen has arranged other such outings in the past, but this is the first time that I joined in. I'm glad I did.
Right before I left, I decided that I hated all my current Works in Progress and decided to start three new projects. This was just the therapy that I needed. No pressure, no deadlines, and all new lovely fabrics to caress, although everything came out of my gi-normous Stash.
On the first glorious day of sewing (Wednesday), I started working on a kit from
Pumpkin Patch Quilts that I bought there two years ago. It is lovely blue and purple fabrics with hints of gold. By the end of Day One, I had finished most of the background. This is from Eleanor Burns' book,
Quick Trips. The version in the book features lilies in homage to Monet.
The quilt shop still had the finished sample, so I was able to take a photo. This is what my quilt will look like when I'm done.
There was a special visitor on Wednesday while we were sewing. Luckily he stayed outside. This photo was taken from our quilt room window!
This black bear visited the trash bin for some goodies.
He scaled the six foot fence with ease. |
Every day, I decided that I would work on a new project, so on Thursday, I put away my Butterfly Wall Hanging, and started on a Scrap Wave Quilt using Bali Pops. The color way I'm using is called Pink Lemonade. I'm using four packages in order to make eight panels for my queen size bed. I love these colors! This is a free pattern on Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville website.
One panel done! Seven to go! |
I did bring one project that is going to be a gift for my sister-in-law, Susan. Like many of my other projects, I bought the fabric several years ago and hadn't gotten to it. I had chosen a different pattern, but found out last month that my sister-in-law and brother-in-law had upgraded to a King Size bed, so I had to amend my plans. I chose a new pattern, shown below, and was able to use most of the fabric from the original kit that I had ordered. My goal is to finish this quilt by November for Susan's birthday. I'm using 15 different green batiks. Susan's bedroom is surrounded by trees, so I think this will look beautiful (once finished) on her bed. This was my Friday project.
The blocks are simple to make. Many more to go! |
On Saturday, I worked on Jo Ann's
Row by Row, so I can not show it to you. But here is a quilt that we presented to Sharon. Sharon lost her house and all her quilting supplies in a fire. We started this quilt in March at my
Big 5-0 Weekend and got the top finished. We also took up a collection and sent her some money to replenish her stash. Last week, Sharon was happily shopping, replenishing her quilting supplies.
Sharon was thrilled with her quilt. Pink is her favorite color. |
Here is a full view of the quilt. |
Quite by accident, Sharon had brought us an enormous
chocolate cake, which we used to celebrate her new quilt. |
There was plenty of leftover cake for breakfast (not a typo). |
Come back soon and I'll share some of the other girls' projects from our trip.
Adding links on Friday to
Confessions of a Fabric Addict,
Richard and Tanya Quilts, and
CrazyMom Quilts. Thanks for visiting!
Pugs and kisses,