It's been crazy-busy around here. Not necessarily the fun, holiday-prep, crazy-busy, but rather the everyone else has gone on vacation in my department at work and all of them have left my name as the person who is covering for them. Yikes! Last year, I took off the last two weeks of December and I may have to do this again next year, if only in self-defense.
Here are some photos from the past two weeks in random order.
This guy had a birthday yesterday! Happy Birthday Romeo! |
Here is the Pug Pack passed out on the sofa after all the festivities! We had to pry them off the sofa to take them out last night for a biology break before bed time. |
My sweet Romeo turned 14! I brought him home in March of 2002 at 10 weeks old, my how time flies! The Pug Boys had Frosty Paws (ice cream for dogs) to celebrate.
Last week I took Mike to see the Christmas House. We also have a Christmas House in our neighborhood within walking distance, but he had never seen this one, which is about two miles away. I didn't think to take any photos until we were driving away in the car. Their entire back yard is also decorated and it is enormous. I wonder what their electricity bill is?
I've been doing some sewing but not as much as I would like. Not much to show you but I did finally finish a Christmas present for Joannie and my row for Debbie's Row by Row.
Pillowcase-apalooza! |
I also sold some sports pillowcases at work to desperate co-workers who needed last minute holiday gifts.
Tanya, if you're reading this, I can certainly send you some Patriots fabric, the next time you need it! Although I had plenty of Red Sox and Patriots, everyone wanted Bruins pillowcases this year.
Last weekend I went to a yummy holiday party at Sue's house and had home-made eggnog, baked ziti and chocolate chip cookies among other holiday treats! I've been doing my physical therapy, so I deserved a reward!
Last Wednesday, Mike and I went out to dinner, and I ate dessert first! Giant chocolate chip cookie sundae from Pizzeria Uno. I did eat some dinner afterwards. |
On Tuesday, friend Eleanor had to run an errand in the North End, which is the Italian section of Boston. She picked this up for me... |
Lovely little cannoli all snug in their box! |
Mike and I can only eat about half of one at one sitting. We still have two left. Perhaps breakfast? |
LarryPug and Elvis posed for a quick photo while I was trying to make our bed. |
I have still not mailed our holiday cards! Sorry!
Thanks for visiting!
Merry Christmas with Pugs and Kisses,