On Saturday I finished
Ben's quilt. In celebration, on Sunday I spent a few hours in my Quilting Studio and I cut out three new projects. You can never have too many projects!
These two bundles have been living underneath the plexiglas extension table for my sewing machine so they've been taunting me while I worked on other things that had deadlines. I picked up several of the purple fat quarters at
Tuesday Morning (a domestics store, kind of like a mini
Marshalls) and added a few more purples from my stash to make my own fabric medley. I won the blue and green fat quarters at our holiday swap in 2015. After I cut them out, I saw that they are
Horizon by Kate Spain. Marion has used Kate Spain fabrics in several of her projects. We don't see them often at our local quilt stores.
After taking this photo, I changed my mind, so I'm making the Weekender Tote with the purples, and the San Clemente bag with the blues and greens. I've made both of these patterns before. You can see my previous Weekender Tote here (you'll need to scroll down). |
I write labels on sticky notes and attach them to each of my pattern pieces that I cut out from the different fabrics. This way, when I pick up my project again, I'll know what all the pieces are for. |
Best of all, neither of these projects is on any kind of deadline nor are they promised to anyone, so I can work on them at my leisure.
The third project is going to be a Yellow Brick Road quilt made out of cat fabrics for my cousin Joel's little girl. Angie will turn 5 in June so she needs a big girl quilt for her birthday. Below are a few of the cat fabrics that I cut for her quilt. I decided not to stress and used a wide variety of cartoon cats and realistic cat fabrics. I figured, the more, the better.
Angie's favorite color is red. There isn't much red in any of the cat fabrics, so a few days later I decided to go back and cut some red fabrics to add to her quilt. That will help give her quilt some pop! Some of these fabrics came from my deep, dark stash, and are probably close to 20 years old. Vintage chic!
An old friend once said that "all reds go together." It will be fun to see what they look like in Angie's quilt. And these fabrics are very happy to have left the depths of my sewing room closet! |
Thanks for visiting!
Pugs and kisses,