Hello Dear Blogging Friends!
I hope that you are enjoying Pugtastic Tuesday. Before I show you my pug miniatures, I thought I would show you some new photos of the Pug Boys.
Elvis, age 15 and 4 months (because when you're a senior, every month counts!) |
LarryPug will be nine next month! He loves to have his picture taken. |
Caesar, our baby, will turn five next month. |
I also want to wish my wonderful husband Mike a happy anniversary! Today we've been married for six years! Our first date was on Presidents' Day, so we got married on Presidents' Day. It's my favorite holiday now. Coincidentally, Mike's parents celebrated their 50th anniversary the day that Mike and I met, so they just reached their 60th wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary Bobbie and Norm!
Cutting the cake! |
On our honeymoon in Hawaii. |
I've loved collecting miniatures since I was a little girl. I used to have a collection of dollhouses and miniature furniture. I finally gave them away when it became obvious that I wasn't going to have my own children plus my only niece lived on the other side of the country and wasn't interested in my collection.
This cute little curio cabinet is in our master bathroom so I see it every morning.
Here's a close-up of the pug treasures inside.
This little pug in the center is from my childhood dollhouse collection. He is flanked by the jeweled pug boxes (they open!). The pug boxes each contained a tiny pug charm which I have put on my pug charm bracelet (saving this for a future Pugtastic Tuesday). The sea shells are from a special visit to the beach with Mike. |
Mike bought me these two pugs during a family visit to Ocean City, New Jersey. |
My sister-in-law Diane gave me the pug heart trinket box on the right. The pug on the left also opens. |
Excuse the dusty fingerprint in this photo! Next job, dust inside! |
These are two stuffed animal pugs. |
This is an antique cigarette card that my cousin Liz bought me. |
Three more little pug guys. See below for the treasure inside the pug on the right. |
The little silver pug guy lifts up to reveal two smaller pugs inside, like a Russian nesting doll. I purchased this on Etsy. |
The pug on the right is a hand-made felted miniature that I bought on Etsy. His companion is another small size pug stuffed animal. |
Thanks for visiting! Hope your Tuesday is Pugtastic!
Pugs and kisses,