Last Wednesday night I arrived home from my quilt group quite pleased that I had finished
this quilt. I also noticed that my throat felt scratchy and my nose was kind of runny. Thursday and Friday, I worked from home. I felt lousy but managed with the help of some DayQuil to soldier through. I assumed it was just a cold and hoped that I would be better on Saturday so I could do some sewing and some blogging. Much to my surprise I felt worse over the weekend, and lay supine on the couch for the next four days surrounded by pug love.
The pugs and I watched A LOT of television as I was really sick and couldn't do much else. If I attempted to look at the computer or read a book, it gave me a headache. My head felt like a block of wood, my ears were blocked, and I tried to concentrate on breathing through my mouth. I wished that I had gills like
Aquaman. My husband valiantly nursed me, bringing me more cold medicine, tissues, and orange juice. He even made home-made chicken soup and matzo balls for me in a valiant attempt to kill off the nasty cold germs.
When I finally emerged from my couch coma on Tuesday evening I had a burning desire to rearrange all the furniture in my office/mini sewing room. This was probably a direct result of watching at least 2 dozen episodes of HGTV's
Love It or List It, a show where they redesign problem areas in your house, while simultaneously showing you other listings available in your neighborhood.
Enter Joannie. Only Joannie would be brave enough to enter my house full of disease and help me move stuff around. Mike, after patiently nursing me for four days, had left for his long-planned ski trip, so he wasn't home to remind me that this was probably a stupid idea. I think the room does look better (still too messy to take a photo), but did I mention that now my back hurts?
Yesterday was my first day "back" from being sick. I took a shower and put on real clothes, a welcome change after wearing sweatpants and fleece for almost a week. I was almost even happy to wear a bra!
Joannie came over last night for a few hours to sew. While I was out of commission for almost a week, she made two lovely table runners that will be Easter gifts. She brought them for Show and Tell.
Asian fabrics in blue and gold. |
Asian fabrics in purple and green. |
Aren't these pretty? She got the pattern in a kit at our local fabric store and it is simply named Diamond Table Runner with no pattern credit, whatsoever. A quick web search found
this pattern, which looks remarkably similar.
Joannie never makes one of anything, unless she can make at least a dozen last night she was making a third Diamond Table Runner for yet another Easter gift.
Joannie made it look easy. Once she cut out the diamonds, she sprayed the batting with fusible spray, and laid her pattern out. Once the layout is complete, you cover the raw edges with binding and stitch them down, which also quilts your table runner.
I made four pillowcases for two little boys who lost all their belongings in a fire. Two are made from karate fabric, one has dolphin fabric, generously donated by my friend Valerie, and the fourth one has musical instruments. I bought the
karate fabric at Fabric Smart on Etsy. The music fabric is from my stash.
Thanks Valerie! |
I also made pocket tissue covers as a special request from my brother Jeff. I found a great
free pattern at JCasa's blog. I made two different kinds: one with a center opening and another one in a pouch style. They literally took about 5 minutes to make. Jeff wanted them to be "masculine", so I made them in denim. These tissue holders would be a great project for your Brownie or Cub Scout troop if they can use a sewing machine. Or a super easy party favor or stocking stuffer.
Here are my three constant companions. Elvis and Larry take a nap while Romeo stays awake to watch over me. |
I am so happy to feel well again! I have lots of sewing to do!
Anna's wedding quilt is back from the machine quilter, so it only needs a binding and a special label. And I also need to get the background cut out for her
baby quilt.
Hope that you are all well in your neck of the woods! Happy Passover and Happy Easter!
Pugs and kisses,