Sunday, November 13, 2016

September Scenes

Hello Dear Blogging Friends,

I'm still cursing out the new Photo App on my iMac. Much harder to use than the old friendly iPhoto. Not all photos load automatically, so I have to go back and search my phone for the missing ones, which are then loaded out of order. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Anyway your Brown Bagger update is quite late. Below are some scenes from our September Sunday meeting. In September we were busy working on the "in-between" stages. Not much to show, no finished tops, just sewing, eating cake and having fun.
Lori brought us a delicious birthday cake.
Sue was making donation quilts for the NICU.
Jo Ann E. was working in batik, instead of her preferred brown color palette.
Kim P.
Joannie C.
Joan S.
Nancy D.
Joanne S.
Darling husband, Mike. Avid Brown Bag supporter.
Red tree in the park. The PugBoys and I visit the park every morning. It's about two blocks from our house.
We find Romeo sleeping in all sorts of funny places. He is blind now, so I think that sometimes he gets stuck and just decides it's a good place for a nap. Here he is sleeping between the water bowls and the hand made cedar chest that my brother Jeff made me over 25 years ago.
Romeo sleeping in the kitchen between my chair and the refrigerator.
7:15 am on a beautiful Sunday morning. TIme to take the PugBoys to the park and then head off to my Brown Bagger quilting day! Have a great day everyone. More soon! I promise!

Pugs and kisses,


  1. Oh Romeo, Romeo, where for out thou Romeo??

  2. I have a blind dog too and they sure know how to adapt..but yes, we find her in the oddest of places sometimes. Luckily, Jackson is pretty good at keeping tabs on her. Hope your day of sewing was fun!!

  3. We had blind dogs a few years ago. Two at the same time. They led one another around. And, I swear the cats played seeing eye cat for them sometimes to get them to the door.

  4. Your group always looks like you have so much fun together. When my daughter was tiny, she used to have nap attacks like Romeo's. Oh, for the ability to sleep anywhere, any time!

  5. Poor Romeo maybe he has the attitude an the old west gunfighter always face the door. Oh wait that isn't right for him. Maybe he has the most dangerous end pointed toward the enemies. Brown baggers are so inspirational.
