This week's Pugtastic Tuesday was inspired by all the pug-shaped food photos that my friends post on my Facebook page. While I've yet to receive any of these delectable (for the most part) pug-shaped treats, I thought you would enjoy them too.
Pugcakes. Yum! |
Pug-shaped sugar cookies. Also yummy! |
Pug cookies and matching bone cookies. So cute! |
This one got posted on my timeline last week. I'm pretty sure this is photo-shopped, i.e, faked. The pug faces appear to be superimposed on the cookies. I couldn't eat these. |
The perfect cake for my next birthday! |
More pug cupcakes with black pugs too! |
I think that Elvis deserves this cake for his birthday in October! |
Pug-shaped gummies for humans! I will have to ask my nephew Sam to look for these when he goes to Germany in May for his study abroad program. |
This past weekend, Mike went to New Orleans for the French Quarter Festival with a couple of his friends. The Pug Boys were not thrilled with their new accommodations in our living room due to the impending
kitchen remodel. Caesar thought it would be fun to start barking at 5:30 a.m. each morning. I brought them upstairs to bed with me in hopes of getting a few more hours of sleep. Here's why the pugs no longer sleep in the bed with us...
Caesar wants to sleep on chest, but preferably on my face. He weighs about 25 pounds (he's a big boy). LarryPug is right next to him. LarryPug also enjoys sleeping on my chest, but he only weighs 20 pounds. |
In case you're curious, this is not a super comfortable position, at least for me. |
Elvis is that black spot under LarryPug's tail. I managed to grab him before he fell out of the bed. |
Thanks for visiting!
Pugs and kisses,
Cute!!!! Love the cake with the paws sticking out.